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How many Easter eggs did you get?

How many Easter eggs did you get?

  • None. I got nothing for Easter.

    Votes: 7 41.2%
  • No eggs, but I got something else (cash, gift etc)

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • 1

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • 2

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • 3

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • 4

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • 5

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6+

    Votes: 1 5.9%

  • Total voters


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
I'm on about the proper big chocolate eggs (mini eggs and and cream eggs don't count).

I got one - a Wispa one from my Mum - and some beer from my Dad.
I got two. A Cream Egg one, and a Maltesers one.

I also got a bottle of Diesel aftershave, which smells great! :p
We acquired a load of these:

Which to be fair, are better than solid chocolate eggs of tedium - I've not had one of those since 2009 and to be honest, I'm always surprised how excited some people get about them, plain chocolate on its own not being one of my weaknesses.
Eggs become something to eat for the sake of it, not the kind of chocolate I'm going to overindulge on, which I guess is a long-winded way of saying zero. It's been a very uneventful Easter weekend compared to last year.
We don't have those silly Easter egg thingys that you guys do. Well we do, but it's not customary to buy them for people. This is my favourite thing to get for Easter:


And these:


Basically I got a **** of candy and chocolate, and my dad gave me some money.
Will said:
We acquired a load of these:
OMG, I love those. I'll be on the look out for some reduced one over the next few days.
We basically had a houseful, I'd have offered to bring them to the next Live, but apparently my Mum was handing them out in the hospital earlier in the week - basically had nurses fighting over them!!
Zero, just what I asked for. Not long had two teeth out, so spending the day gnawing on chocolate didn't appeal to me, so spent the day at Thorpe whoring The Swarm. Best Easter ever.
I got my saviour dying for my sins.

That's none by the way ;)

Maxi-Minor_Furie got an egg bigger than his head off the Easter Bunny. I'll post a piccie later :)
I got 1 from Sam's mum, and another from my mum that I haven't had yet. Me and Sam always intend to buy each other one but always manage to forget XD

Not a huge chocolate fan anyway, doesn't really bother me.
I got none. Must be cuz I'm a godless heathen.

Also, TIL that big chocolate easter eggs are not the done thing in Canada (or the USA?)
Joey said:
I got none. Must be cuz I'm a godless heathen.

Nah, that's why you're going to hell. You didn't get any eggs because you don't believe in the Easter Bunny - silly Joey!

Maxi-Minor_Furie really believes in the Easter Bunny:
None. If I want chocolate, I'll buy a bar of chocolate.

More chocolate for less money. Fools.
^Not really. Quite a few places were knocking the medium sized ones out for a quid or so, which is quite fab when you think about it because you get a couple of bars with the egg too. Add that to the fact that a bar of chocolate on its own is like 80p now, it can be cheaper to get an egg...