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Gulliver's World Disco ROCKS!


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Gulliver's World Disco ROCKS!

This news pretty much appeared from nowhere, but Gulliver's World in Warrington are planning on having the second new Disco in the North West this year. These spinning disc rides are pretty much everywhere now, so why not here? It's a good addition in the "mild thrill" area that Gulliver's Warrington excel at. In the Pirate Cove area and with unique rock and pallet theming, the ride looks ready to open pretty soon.

While a Disco may not be the most exciting ride in the world, it fits perfectly into the Gulliver's line up. It looks like the theme will be created by the in house team of DIY nutters who create most of the Gulliver's theming. While it's not up to the professional standards you see from large name parks, it's still excellent for what it is, though how the pallets will work out is beyond me:

All in all, an excellent addition to this particular park, and welook forward to riding it later in the year.

It's been a while since CoasterForce last visited Gulliver's World, so I think an off-season update for 2011 is needed.

Gulliver's opens through most of the year off and on, particularly during school holidays. It was open for February half-term which is when CF visited. Around half the park is operational, with the Dino Land and Adventure Land both closed off for closed season work. Despite overcast and slightly chilly weather, the park looks clean for the most part. It's very tidy with regular litter pickers present and it looks like they'll have a good start to the year.

Also on form are the staff, friendly and polite and the food. Excellent pies and pastries from the Wild West area and decent enough coffee. For a young family, Gulliver's really does represent an excellent full day out. Clean, tidy, friendly, excellent range of rides, some great theming, lots and lots of play area, decent food, rides that will make you smile with how dreadful they are (but the kids will adore) and a decent entry cost.

Well worth heading off the M6/M62 for.
I <3 Gulliver's World.

I only live within 15 minutes of the place. It's a nice little park for kiddies. It's kind of a hidden gem too, it's really secluded in the area that it's in, I'm sure people who have gone will know what I mean.

A nice investment for the park to be honest. It really suits the feel of the place.
A more important question is which size is it, small or large?
If it's a small one then it will indeed ROCK!!
Yeah these are pretty dull rides really, but they're great for little ones, and they really suit the smaller parks.

Good for them!
Oh, wait, after seeing that theming. What on earth is the wooden contraption on the left?!
Think This is the Image

Discos are like the New Scramblers/Twists and will become boring and common.

STill an Ok investment.
^^dont really know but as a guess I would suggest an animal theme.

Maybe a general theme of 'wild'.
It looks like a cage or similar sort of thing.
The theming looks great from a distance actually (and I assume it's not complete yet and needs a covering).

Then you get closer...

It's just pallets?

Is it definate that that's permant and is it definate that's themeing, not just a odd pile of pallets?
I had more themeing than that when we lived on my grandparents farm in Wales. :p

What's it meant to be anyway?
Ha. That's actually vile. I think they've literally just kept the crates from the ride delivery, any flooring delivered or just about anything they've come with. And thought, let's recycle?

herbinator said:
It's just pallets?

Is it definate that that's permant and is it definate that's themeing, not just a odd pile of pallets?

Yep, it's definate(sic) that it's permanent. You can see how they've shaped the pallets.

I think it will be getting some kind of covering to make it look neat.

This is probably why parks in the North West don't like enthusiasts taking photos of their stuff under construction ;)

I reckon it'll look fine when it's finished, I think it's so excellently "British" to do it this way in-house.