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Great Yarmouth 2014

Twister Zone

Roller Poster
Our family holiday was down to Yarmouth this year so here's a quick rundown on the coasters I rode.

My partner in crime was my 10 year old daughter who is getting into the bigger stuff more & more. My first coaster this year was the
Wipeout at Pleasurewood Hills.

I originally rode this actual coaster when it was featured at the Glasgow Garden Festival back in '88, I always had fond memories of it & I still enjoyed it now, it is a little rough though, still went twice. :--D

Next was The Rattlesnake, nice little ride, kinda exactly what I thought it would be but enjoyable.
We followed the Rattlesnake up with Enigma.

I really enjoyed this one, I figured it would be the usual runaway train thing but I was rewarded with something a little more savage.

Not a coaster but the Jolly Rodger left quite an impression on me, a 40ft drop at 60mph in less than a second, great stuff.

The fourth & final coaster at Pleasurewood(excluding kids ones) is their newest one, Marble Madness

Just another spinning coasters? Yeah pretty much but my kid likes them & it was their so had to go for it. As far as they go this was ok.

On to the Plearsure Beach in Great Yarmouth, the first one we rode was the Family Star, another spinning coaster but I was pleasantly surprised at this one, the thing was spinning on the climb & just kept going throughout. :--D

Last but not least The Roller Coaster.

This is possibly the first coaster I rode ever in the early 80s so I had high expectations for it & I wasn't disappointed, we rode it 6 times throughout the day with a couple on the very back which the drag on it was great & the headchopper was particularly great in this position. Classic.
^^ Yeah, it didn't disappoint either, it was also cool to ride it with her, she loved it.

My partner in crime.



Rollercoaster selfie. :--D
Nice report Twister, my kids are a little too young for the big stuff just yet, looking forward to those days myself :)
Jolly Rodger is most definitely the best ride in the area.
DelPiero said:
Nice report Twister, my kids are a little too young for the big stuff just yet, looking forward to those days myself :)
Jolly Rodger is most definitely the best ride in the area.
owenrita121 was saying that he thought it was the same as Detonator but it seems to be a bit taller & faster, very cool ride.