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First Trip to Europe PTR - Day 4: Friday the Th13teenth


Strata Poster
Last week my mother and I traveled over seas to Europe. I had never been before so I was pretty excited. Planning it out, my mom said we could do a couple of parks as long as we did plenty of tourist and site seeing stuff. We started out a few days in Brussels, made our way over to London for the second half of the week, and spent one day each at Thrope Park and Alton Towers. We were also gonna do Walibi Belgium, but the park was closed the two days we were in the city. :(

Day 1: Wandering Around Brussels

We had two flights on Monday 6/9. Our first was a quick 30 min flight down to JFK airport. Our flight to Brussels then left at around 5-ish in the afternoon, and lasted about eight hours... Due to the time change we arrived in Brussels on Tuesday at nine in the morning (3 AM EST). We met up with my grandparents (who were on the same flight as us), and we got a cab to our hotel.

My mom and grandparents had once lived in Brussels for a few years (back in the ’70s I think). It was my mom’s first time back in Brussels since then. I think last week was also the first time I heard them speak fluent French, which I was quite impressed with. (I never understood a thing)

We arrived at our hotel and (of course) our rooms weren’t ready. :roll: We checked our bags in the lobby and went out to grab something to eat. After about a ten minute walk we arrived at the Grand Plaza.

Throughout the week I experimented with a bunch of panoramas. Here’s one of the Plaza.

My first meal in Europe were these crepes, which pretty much very thin pancakes. Not bad at all.

After that we wandered into one of the alleys. Our plan was to go check out the Manneken Pis statue.


One of many waffle shops. I’ve had Belgian waffles back in the US, but unfortunately I never tried one while I was in Belgium (not sure why I didn't :p).

It didn’t take long before we found the statue.

We walked back towards the Grand Plaza, and we passed a few of these souvenir shops.

There were actually tons of these shops all over the place.

Earlier today I did a quick wiki search and found out that the Town Hall tower is exactly the same height as Millennium Force (310 ft) ;)

I forget what this statue was called. :p

After that my grandparents went and wandered elsewhere, so my mom and I continued wandering about. We cut through the plaza and made our way through this alley that had about twenty restaurants right next to each other.

We worked our way over to St. Michael and St. Gudula Cathedral. This place is huge!

Inside the Cathedral (Shhhh!)

The front of the cathedral also had a nice view of the Town Hall tower.

We then stopped by the Belgian Comic Strip Center.

Tintin was the only series I knew. I used to love reading them a few years ago. Good stuff.

By then I was getting kind of tired so we returned to our hotel. I took an awesome nap in our hotel room and was out cold for two hours. I even thought it was the next day when I woke up.

For dinner we returned to have dinner at the Grand Plaza. The food was okay, but the restaurant was quite fancy. Other than that we didn’t really do anything else for the night.

Here’s another pic of that alley of restaurants I mentioned earlier.

It was past ten o’clock and still light out! Back where I live in the US I think the latest it gets dark out is around nine. Pretty cool to see the day last very long.

And that was it for my first day in Europe. Next up: Waterloo and more Brussels. Sorry, no theme parks yet! ;)
Re: First Trip to Europe PTR - Day 1: Wandering Around Bruss

Walibi was closed when I was there as well, despite all the other Belgian and Dutch parks being open.

This has just reminded me how much I hate Brussels. You did well to just stay around the main square as it's the only part of that dump worth looking at.

Worst European capital city I think I've been to.
Re: First Trip to Europe PTR - Day 1: Wandering Around Bruss

Oh ****. I must have subconsciously blocked Podgorica from my memory.

I take it back about Brussels.

Comparing Brussels to Podgorica is like comparing Harrods to a car boot sale.
Re: First Trip to Europe PTR - Day 1: Wandering Around Bruss

Day 2: Waterloo and More Brussels

Today’s plan was to go visit my mom and grandparent’s old house in Waterloo. Back then my grandfather’s business involved a lot of traveling around the world, so every few years or so they would have to move to a different state/country.

The day before we had arranged cab driver, so after a quick breakfast, the four of us took a 30 min drive out to Waterloo.

First up we stopped by my mom’s old school. St. John’s International School.

Coincidentally, we met with one of my mom’s old teachers. She was retired, but she was helping out the school in preparations for its 50th anniversary. She gave us a small tour of the campus. The campus was pretty, but nothing I haven’t really seen before.

We probably spent a little over an hour at the school, chatting with faculty and walking around campus. After that we left campus and went to find my mom’s old house. The street was conveniently a five minute walk from the school.

And there it is! Forty years ago, my mom lived in this house.

We briefly checked out the other side of the street, and then we got back in our cab and drove over to the Lion’s Mound. The surrounding area was really pretty, lots of rolling hills and farmland.

Wasn’t too sure what was going on with all this construction.

After that we returned to the city. We quickly regrouped back at the hotel, had lunch, and did a bit more wandering. Our destination for today was to check walk over to the Palace of Justice. It was a bit of a walk, but nothing too bad. We started out by walking back to the plaza, and working our way from there. We passed a few things on the way, but nothing too interesting.

This photo doesn’t do a good job showing how huge the palace was.

I wasn’t too sure what the scaffolding was for.

The area also offered a pretty decent view of the city.

We never got to go see the Atomium. But even from this far away I could get a sense of how big it was.

We had been walking around for a quite a while, so we wanted to take a break and head back to the hotel. My grandparents decided to take a cab, but I kept walking with my mom.

About ten minutes before we reached our hotel we cut through a train station. I stumbled across one of these. Of course I grabbed one for myself. :)

The booklet was entirely in French, so I didn't understand a thing. I asked my mom translate the Walibi Belgium section. In reality it’s nothing too interesting. The Walibi section had just a couple pictures of Vekomas. I think there was also a page on Plopsaland de Panne and maybe one other park. I don’t even know I still have the booklet or not.

That night we had dinner in that one alley with all the different (same) restaurants. I thought the food was better than the night before.

gavin said:
This has just reminded me how much I hate Brussels. You did well to just stay around the main square as it's the only part of that dump worth looking at.

Worst European capital city I think I've been to.
I thought most of the sites we saw were pretty neat, but my biggest problem with the city was the abundance of people smoking and many poor homeless people. Not that I have anything against those people, but I felt the city could've been a lot cleaner with less of them. Yeah, I do see this in other cities, but Brussels was the worst when it came to this (out of the cities I've been to).

After our dinner that night we also noticed an ambulance that had arrived around the corner. They were trying to help out a man who looked very high and was laying against the wall. On the other side of the alley were two guys who looked like they were smoking marijuana. And when we got back to our hotel, a taxi pulled up, and out came another man who was incredibly drunk. Two other guys were helping him stand, and as soon as they let go of him, the man collapsed on the ground. I didn't know how long he laid there.

So yeah, I thought Brussels had pretty interesting sites. I didn't hate the city, but it needs to be cleaned up a little.

And that was it for my two days in Brussels. The next part of this report will be Thorpe Park...
Re: First Trip to Europe PTR - Day 2: Waterloo & More Brusse

Day 3: Thorpe Thursday

(Sorry it took so long, I’ve been pretty busy this past week and haven’t had time to write.)

Be warned, this next part is a lot longer than the previous two.

Thursday morning (6/12) we woke up to catch our Eurostar train from Brussels to London. I think it was a 9 AM departure. The train was an easy two hour trip, but due to the time change we arrived in London a little after ten.

After going underneath the English Channel, I realized that England is a lot more hilly than the other areas we passed.

I should have known that we wouldn’t arrive at the park until around noon. I was starting to get really anxious. I was worried we wouldn’t be able to get everything done in our limited time (plus my mom wanted to leave the park by 4 in the afternoon as we were meeting with my cousin for dinner).

We dropped off our bags at our hotel and went over to King’s Cross. Our plan was to take the subway to Waterloo station, take a train from there to Staines, and then take a taxi to the park. We spent some time at King’s Cross figuring out how to get our tickets/passes and trying to navigate the subway. Trying to figure that out was awful. I was starting to get really impatient. I didn’t want to waste any more time. We finally asked for help and eventually got going.

The train ride was a little over a half hour. All we had left to do was take a ten minute cab ride.

At long last, at around twelve, I saw Swarm and Stealth pop out from behind some trees, and I started gooning out. I was sick of all this painful traveling.

Thorpe Park was my first park for the 2014 season. I had low expectations for the operations and was expecting a lot of queues. But we must have had a lucky visit because all coasters (besides Flying Fish of course) had at least two train operations, and the longest queue was about 25 min. On top of that it was a beautiful day.

We had bought our tickets online a week prior (which was great because I think they were like halfprice), so we were able walk right in. Unfortunately I forgot to find myself I park map (I did get one on our way out). Wasn’t too much of a problem though; I had studied the map on my phone that morning and since the park was interestingly small, we didn’t get lost.

I think one of my favorite things about visiting a new theme park is seeing how everything is laid out and how it seems different in contrast to looking at the park online (If that makes sense :p)

If we had arrived to park at the opening we probably would’ve knocked out Saw and Colossus first thing, but since it was already noon, we switched up our plan a bit. We started out with Nemesis Inferno.

I was looking forward to this one. I had never really been on a compact B&M Invert before. Inferno was actually a lot more compact than I expected.

Queue line said thirty minutes, but I didn’t expect it to be that long. Like I said earlier all major coasters were running more than one train so the queues weren’t too bad. Wandering through the queue I realized how many footchoppers and close encounters with the terrain this coaster had.

I also love the faded brown/red color scheme on this.

Luckily everyone likes to wait for the front row, leaving the back row line empty. For some reason the back row was blocked off for a few minutes, so we got second to last row. We got in our seats and were ready to go.

The pre-lift hill section was actually a lot of fun. Steam was blowing inside the volcano/building which was a fun surprise. I already had a big smile on my face before we even hit the lift hill. The drop didn’t really do anything, but I didn’t care. Those curved drops found on B&M loopers aren't anything special. I was really just looking forward to the inversions. The first loop had some nice force to it, and there was some good snaps in the zero g as well as the corkscrews. The turns at the end didn’t do much, but the plants and other footchoppers made up for it. Despite sitting toward the back, the footchoppers were still excellent.

Overall it’s a pretty solid, fun coaster. The inversions and footchoppers are the best part. I actually wished we tried front row later in the day (if the line for it wasn’t too long) just for the close encounters. I’d say the only minor issue was that there wasn’t really anything amazing or insane. But we had a better ride later in the day. It’s a lot of fun to ride, and I also love the simple, compact layout. 8.8/10

I’ve also decided to rank Inferno above Dragon Challenge. I had a blast when I rode DC, but it was before my goon years and it might not be as good if I were to ride it again today.

Nemesis Inferno was my 49th credit, so I need something special for my 50th. Stealth was my most anticipated ride for Thorpe, so we did that next.

I absolutely loved Top Thrill Dragster, so I new I would like this. Later in the day my mom (who has also ridden TTD) decided to nickname Stealth “Dragster Junior,” which seemed appropriate.

Was the blue track section originally painted that color? Or did the black/white blend together overtime?

Anyway, queue line was an easy fifteen minutes.

Before we got into the station, I came across this.

Stealth, a few other coasters, and some rides at Alton had these bag checks. (I’m sure many of you are aware of that :lol:) It's a good way to keep your bags safe, but throughout my days at Thorpe and Alton I realized that these really slow the lines down. The queue would move a lot quicker if they had regular bins in the station. Or they could have put these at the entrance of the queue line. Once we’d drop off our bags, there was practically no wait.

Enough of that, time for Stealth. I just find coasters that launch out of stations hilarious to watch. And while I did find it bit silly at first, I loved the voice that says “Face fowadds, hold on tight and brace yourself… Three two one GO GO GO!”

Again, everyone’s waiting for the front row, so we did second row, which still gave us a good view. The launch is fantastic and a whole lot of fun. The positive g’s are excellent, the vertical twists are twisty, and the top hat and the drop give some good airtime. Now for the airtime hill. The airtime looked amazing, but it was better than I expected. Since the train immediately enters the brakes, you’re body is pushed forward while your still out of your seat. It’s a very unique airtime moment and I don’t remember experiencing anything like it. And while I prefer lap bars, the OTSRs gave no problems at all.

While obviously not as good as Dragster, everything about it is still incredible. Best ride in the park for me. 9.5/10

Our next ride.

Swarm was my first wing coaster, and it looked pretty fun. Nice smooth maneuvers, good looking drop. I know this type of coaster isn't particularly intense, but they looked so graceful and fun.

The theming is a good effort, but nothing really great. I thought that the weird noise it makes (when going up the lift hill) was pretty cool. It’s also an amazing looking coaster.

We went in line, and again it was slowed down due to the bag check. This one wasn’t actually directly before the station, but the remainder of the queue was still empty; We literally walked on to the front left without having to wait (I took the outer seat :)).

This turned out to be my mom’s favorite ride in the park, which was what I predicted. I love how the first drop/inversion dumps you outside and the hangtime is great. The zero-g was nice and gentle, but the maneuver was a bit weird and had an interesting feeling to it (I think due to the outside seats). I don’t really know how to the describe it. :p

(Also, I’ve decided that the inclined loop/helix isn’t an inversion. It’s more of an overbanked turn. Yes, I do count Mantis’ inclined loop an inversion, but that one actually goes upside down a lot more.)

I was surprised to find some force in the middle of the ride; I think it was between the inclined helix and the second zero g roll. But I don’t recall the helix and second zero g doing anything. But I wasn’t really disappointed while riding. I find it just fun. The final inversion, the inline twist, was awesome. It was slow enough to provide some more, smooth hangtime.

We went through the brake run and waited at the end. That’s when I first notice the restraint vest. The top of it was slightly pushing against my collar bone, which was a bit irritating. And I’m just a skinny guy, so I could see how these restraints can be a problem for other people. I noticed this during my rerides as well. I think it’s fine once the ride’s actually going, but while it’s stopped, it’s noticeable. Other than that minor issue I liked the open restraints.

I know a lot of people think Swarm and wing riders in general are mediocore, but I found Swarm just a lot of fun and appreciated what it did. Highlights were the wingover drop, first zero g, and the inline. 8.5/10

Since it was more or less a walk on, we immediately rerode it. But this time The Swarm Backwards, otherwise known as “Mraws.” We had to get through the bag check before we could chose forwards or backwards. I stuck with left again. It seemed like the right was reserved for fast passers or something, I dunno.

We did second to last row (there were like four people in front of us waiting for back, and we didn’t feel like waiting an extra five minutes.)

Going up the lift hill, I realized how bizarre this coaster is. It’s my first wingrider, so I’ve never really experiences something like it, and the fact that the last two seats are backwards make it even weirder. The steep lift (45 degrees?) left us hanging toward to ground, somewhat similar to a dive machine. The wingover drop still gave us hangtime, but it went through a lot quicker. I think the first zero still had that weird maneuver, but it was even weirder with the backwards seats. I also noticed a bit more positive g force in between the inversions. Forwards is definitely better than backwards, but it was an interesting change on this ride.

We were doing pretty good on time. I think it was after 1 and we already got 3 out of 8 coasters done.

Up next we grabbed Flying Fish!!!!!!!!! :D

I was actually surprised my mom decided to ride this one with me. I guess she’s starting to understand the whole credits thing and how kiddie coasters are just as important as any other one. ;)

The ride is actually kind of fun! The front of the train looks awesome. And three circuits? Yes please. I’m pretty sure we did back row on this, good little +1 kiddie coaster. 10/10 :lol:

Our next coaster was Colossus. Colossus and Saw concerned me, as they’re supposedly rough rides and have long waits.

I was already surprise to see two train operations on the other coasters, but even Colossus was running two trains and had no wait!

I think I came prepared for this one. We sat somewhere in the middle; front or back didn't look too good. The trains weren’t as uncomfortable as I expected, which I guess was good. I came on the ride with low expectations. I was surprised on how the ride turned out.

I braced myself for utter roughness and crap transitions. I was actually kind of scared on this one, especially going through the cobra roll and corkscrews. The first drop was fine, didn’t really cause any problems. The loop had a lot of force, similar to Arrow loopers. So far so good. But the airtime hill was the biggest disappointment. I expected amazing ejector floater, but it turned out to be weak. Then I heard myself shouting “No, no, no!” upon entering the cobra roll, but it turned out to be…okay. No serious headbanging, just some jerky transitions. Same for the corkscrews. No pain, just jerkiness. I was impressed! :p

Then came a fantastic finale. The four consecutive heartline rolls were insane! Each with some hangtime, and it literally felt like it was never gonna end. I liked it. The final one was also fun too.

So I was pleased to see that Colossus exceeded my low expectations. :p I think if I hadn’t braced myself and held on to dear life it would’ve been worse. When I got off I actually found it funny that was a bit scared while riding. It’s not a great ride, but it can be alright if you hold on tight. 8/10

Also, that chain lift when the train reaches the top? Probably one of my favorite coaster sounds of all time :)

Now on our way to Saw: The Ride.

I found the theming to this ride pretty humorous.

Saw was my second Gerstlauer Eurofighter, after Untamed. I liked Untamed, but I wasn’t too sure whether this would be better or not. Saw looked a bit rougher. Just by looking at it I could tell that these transitions didn’t look too good.

Queue line was probably no more than thirty minutes, but it felt really slow. They only let in a certain amount of people in at a time, and they had another bag check thing.

I had heard that the back row in the middle is a bit smoother than the other seats, so I went with that. The indoor portion was great. I enjoyed the heartline roll, along with the hilarious screaming mannequin with blood/water splashing at you.

At this point I had ridden a few coasters that had vertical lift hills, so those weren’t too exciting for me anymore. Before I knew it, we plummeted down the 100 degree drop (the steepest I’ve ever been on). The drop gave very brief ejector air, but nothing amazing. After that I just remember the coaster wandering through these awkward transitions and inversions. The airtime hill after the dive loop and the drop after the MCBR had some more airtime, but they were very abrupt and again very brief.

The ride just felt awkwardly short. The headbanging wasn’t too bad, but the transitions were weird, and the inversions are somewhat forgettable. The airtime was good, but not too comfortable. I really liked the beginning portion though.

I prefer Untamed over Saw, even though Saw has more too. Untamed is a good coaster and does a good job while it lasts, but Saw has some forgettable moments. 6.8/10

We had one more coaster we needed to do. We wandered around Colossus to find X's hidden little building.

Slammer, which is supposedly always down, was running! We didn’t do it though. I’ve done Catapult a couple times when it was at SFNE and it’s alright. I didn’t really feel like doing Slammer and I wanted to try some other flats.

I only did two flats (which I’ll get to later), but I wish I tried some other ones. Samurai looked interesting, I don’t think I’ve ever tried a ride like that.

We finally found X. I actually didn’t know what to expect. All I knew was that it was a Vekoma and that it goes like 30 mph. The queue line seemed to take up most of the room inside the building, so I wondered how ride itself had any space.

There was another bag check, but nobody was manning it. So the (empty) line wasn’t slowed down. :)

So we went and did back row. Meh. Worst coaster in the park. It just doesn’t really do anything. The only "exciting" part were a couple slight jerky transitions, but other than that? Nothing. Too many pointless MCBRs and the loud music and lights made it really tacky. I really like indoor coasters, but X was without a doubt the worst. They should take it down and replace it with something else. 5/10

By then it was around 2:30. A little bit late for lunch, but I wanted to get all the creds done first. Plus I didn’t really feel like eating lunch once we got in the park as the coasters would’ve been calling out to me. ;)

So we had lunch at this place which was just around the corner.

We shared some mac n cheese n fries. The fries were good, and the mac n cheese was okay. I was really surprised that we got all 8 creds done in over two hours. This was turning out to be a fantastic visit.

After that quick lunch it was time for rerides!

We did one more ride on Nemesis Inferno, this time backrow. Like I said earlier, this ride was better than our previous ride earlier that day. Wait time wasn’t as long too.

Here’s my proof that all there weren’t any relatively long queues. ;) Nothing was really over 20 min.

My mom sat out while I did Detonator Bombs Away. I think I’m the only one in my family that’s willing to do a drop tower.

The “skinny” structure of this made the ride look a bit silly. I haven’t really seen a drop tower like this before. Also, I think this was my first drop tower not designed S&S.

Detonator was a pleasant surprise for me. At just over 100ft, I didn’t think it would be as good as some other drop towers I’ve ridden. But it turned out to be my favorite, due to having the best ejector air (imo). Sometimes I still get a little nervous when I reach the top on drop towers, but that adds to the excitement. 8/10

And I must say that the Angry Birds Land actually doesn’t look that bad. I thought it was a fine effort, but I’m still not huge fan on the actual theme.

We started to go back to Stealth, but I didn’t see any trains running. It was broken down! Typical Intamin. It looked like there were some riders stuck in the station, and of course nobody knew what the problem was. Whatever.

So we decided to do some other rides. I wanted to do Rush, so we walked back towards the park entrance.

We passed Tidal Wave, which we didn’t do, even though it was pretty hot and sticky out. I wouldn’t have mind to do the log flume to cool down a bit, but my mom wasn’t interested in any wet rides. Tidal Wave reminded me of Boston Tea Party, a chute/boat ride at Canobie Lake Park. Both have medium sized drops, stupidly enormous waves, and gets everyone in the area incredibly soaked. Before visiting Thorpe, I didn’t think a boat ride could make a bigger wave than Boston Tea Party. But it looked like Tidal Wave’s was even bigger.

Even if I were to step foot into that wet spot on the pavement, I knew I would just get drenched.

Anyway, onto Rush.

This is my third Screamin’ Swing, after Skyhawk and Thunder n Lightning (Rush and Thunder n Lightning looked about the same size). These are good flat rides, but they’re a bit short in length. Despite the length, they do a good job giving nice floater air. 7/10

When we got off I saw that Stealth was testing. That was a good sign. But real quick I wanted to do one more go on Swarm. At that point I wasn’t sure what I liked better: Nemesis Inferno or Swarm. After my 3rd ride on Swarm I decided that Inferno was better, as it’s more intense and does more stuff. Swarm is still great fun though.

Still wasn’t too sure how to get into the right side of Swarm's station, so we were stuck with left. Would’ve been a walk on if it weren’t for the bag check. We did another front row ride. It’s just a lot of fun and so graceful with weird twisty inversions! After getting off that, I’m interested to seeing how the other wingriders are. I’m going to Chicago next year. Hopefully I’ll get over to SFGAm and ride X-Flight, which looks like an improved version of Swarm.

My mom wanted to get going pretty soon, so the two of us did one last go on Stealth.

Very few people were in line, so this time we walked right up to backrow. Backrow was much better than the second row. The train really flings us over the top hat giving us more airtime going down. Since it was pretty much a walk on, my mom let me do one more ride on back row (she sat out).

Aren’t intamin accelerators great? I might get over to Great Adventure later this summer, so I’d be interested to see where Kingda Ka falls on the list.

It was now four o’clock. While the park didn’t close for another hour, we needed to get back to London and have time to get ready for dinner. On our way out I finally got a park map in the dome (just because ;)). Traveling back with the trains and subways still took couple hours, but I didn’t really care (unlike that morning!)

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this must have been a rare day for Thorpe Park. It was around 80 degrees in the middle of June, beautiful sunny day, everything was running fine and operations were good. So yeah, I really enjoyed Thorpe Park. I really liked the design and small size of the park. I thought it had a good mix of rides, with decent coasters, flats, and other rides. If I’m back in London over the next few years, I’d definitely return to Thorpe.

…And of course, Thorpe Park has a lake next to it, just like most of the parks I’ve visited (Canobie Lake, Lake Compounce, SFNE, Cedar Point, Universal Orlando :lol:)

Thanks for reading so far. The next part will be Day Four: Alton on Friday the Th13teenth, which might be another long one. :)
Re: First Trip to Europe PTR - Day 2: Waterloo & More Brusse

Sanchezmran said:
Also, that chain lift when the train reaches the top? Probably one of my favorite coaster sounds of all time :)

Yes <3 It's the only thing I like about Colossus, ha.

I can't believe they ran two trains on everything as well! Sounds like you caught Thorpe on a very good day.
Re: First Trip to Europe PTR - Day 4: Thorpe Thursday

It's great to read a report when someone pops their Thorpe Park virginity. Glad you enjoyed the park, when the weather's nice, and it's quiet with 2 train operations (a once in a lifetime occurrence naturally), it can be an really good day out.

It's really interesting to read all your opinions too. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Alton Towers :D
Re: First Trip to Europe PTR - Day 4: Thorpe Thursday

Great report, it is interesting to hear your opinions on UK parks compared to America ones. Glad you liked Colossus, it is awesome!
Re: First Trip to Europe PTR - Day 4: Thorpe Thursday

Obviously you thought fish was fun we sat in the back and I hated it to jerky. Collosus is rough so is Saw. I`m glad you enjoyed Stealth The Swarm and Nemesis Inferno. My favourites good thing you enjoyed them.
Re: First Trip to Europe PTR - Day 4: Thorpe Thursday

Great report on Thorpe Park! It's much more interesting reading a Trip report from someone who has never been to some park before, than it is reading one from someone who goes to the park like every fortnight.
Re: First Trip to Europe PTR - Day 4: Thorpe Thursday

Yeah. I have read it all (chore as it is on a mobile) and very interesting so far. I kind of agree in the terms of your lucky visit, but still find Thorpe not much more than "better than mediocre if you happen to like the rode types".

I love Colossus until the five inlines. Well, love is a strong word - maybe " don't hate " may be better. Anyway, I despise the inlines, so 50% of the coaster is abhorrent to me.

I can understand why people who like that would like the coaster though and as a teen, it would have floated my boat.

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Re: First Trip to Europe PTR - Day 4: Thorpe Thursday

Radaxian said:
I can't believe they ran two trains on everything as well! Sounds like you caught Thorpe on a very good day.
Jordanovichy said:
Glad you enjoyed the park, when the weather's nice, and it's quiet with 2 train operations (a once in a lifetime occurrence naturally), it can be an really good day out.
It was actually one of the better visits I've had at any theme park, with perfect weather, good operations, less waits, and a new park for me! I was expecting 60 min waits with poor, one train operations, but I pretty much got the complete opposite!

caffeine_demon said:
10/10 for flying fish - You're insane!!
jj23w said:
Obviously you thought fish was fun we sat in the back and I hated it to jerky.
For a kiddie coaster, there's not really anything wrong with it. It is fun, but then again it is a kiddie cred, so realistically I think it's in my bottom 10. :p

Great report, it is interesting to hear your opinions on UK parks compared to America ones. Glad you liked Colossus, it is awesome!
Since it was a fantastic visit, I'd say Thorpe is in my top 5 favorite parks (remember I haven't visited that many theme parks!).

TilySlo said:
It's much more interesting reading a Trip report from someone who has never been to some park before, than it is reading one from someone who goes to the park like every fortnight.
Yeah, Thorpe Park seems to be one of the most "popular" parks on this sites. Of course, if I lived in the area, I could see myself visiting multiple times a season. ;)

furie said:
I love Colossus until the five inlines. Well, love is a strong word - maybe " don't hate " may be better. Anyway, I despise the inlines, so 50% of the coaster is abhorrent to me.

I can understand why people who like that would like the coaster though and as a teen, it would have floated my boat.
If I had higher expectations I don't think I would've liked it as much. I think the rattle to it is its biggest problem, but I think it can be enjoyable for those who can take the rattle. I also expected the seats to be as comfortable as an Arrow, but they weren't too bad.

I'll hopefully release the Alton Towers visit later this week. Thanks for all them comments. :D
Re: First Trip to Europe PTR - Day 4: Thorpe Thursday

Very interesting trip report so far! Really interesting to hear about your time Alton after you had such a great time at Thorpe. You certainly lucked out on crowds!
Re: First Trip to Europe PTR - Day 4: Thorpe Thursday

Yeah, welcome to the world of Fabbri drop towers, they're **** awesome! In case you didn't know, they have 4 little hydraulic rods that push the car down once it's released.
Re: First Trip to Europe PTR - Day 5: Friday the Th13teenth

Yeah I know, this took a lot longer than I thought. I took a lot more pictures, so this report's even longer. Probably should've split this up into two parts...but for some reason I didn't really feel like it. :p So again, sorry for the length...

Day 4: Friday the Th13teenth

We woke up bright and early at half past six, and immediately got going. Our train to Stocke on Trent was at around 7:20. We got a quick breakfast in King’s Cross (I got a cinnamon roll, my mom got a croissant). Train ride was over an hour, not too bad. We had arranged a cab ride to pick us up at the station. It was about a half hour drive, but driving through the hills and winding roads was really pretty and the rolling hills never seemed to end. The steep, narrow, and curvy roads made it even more exciting/scary. As we got closer I remember trying to find the actual park—see if it was in a valley or something—even though I knew it’d be hidden under the trees.

After an amazing visit to Thorpe Park, I was wondering if Alton Towers could top it (both the quality of the park and the visit itself). Well guess what? Alton Towers just blew me away! And the despite it being Friday the Th13teenth ;) (even though I’m not superstitious), the visit was still pretty great.

Before long, we finally arrived.

The first thing I saw (besides the monorail ;)) was this tribute to the Corkscrew. I thought it was pretty sweet, and loved how it was plonked right in front of the entrance. Is this the actual track it ran on?

Now it was 9:30, and the park doesn’t officially open till 10. The park let everyone in the main area anyway, but blocked the people off from the actual rides. We bought our tickets online (with another nice little discount) and I forgot that that gave us ERT, which was a bonus. We were actually in no rush to get everything done. Unlike the day before, we spent the entire day at the park until closing.

Now up until a few weeks before our visit, I didn’t know that there was a real castle/towers in Alton Towers (duh). I dunno why, that just never really occurred to me. My mom was surprised by this too.

Anyway, if I didn’t know that Alton Towers was a theme park, and I visited for the first time, I would’ve thought it was a national park. ‘Cause this place is **** beautiful.

I had no idea there was this big, cleared out field. I’d never seen or heard anything like this at a theme park. I thought it was genius. They could’ve easily plopped down another world class roller coaster in this big open space, but I’m glad they didn’t. It looked like a great place to just relax, have a picnic, et cetera.

The Towers also looked amazing in the distance. At that moment I didn’t know if they were real or not. Turns out it was some lord’s countryside or whatever, which I thought was pretty cool.

Duckies! <33333

Sonic Spinball was poking its head out of the trees (so was Smiler and Oblivion).

So you’re probably wondering what that big group of people is in the photo above ^^^^. ;) When I first saw it I thought it was some big school getting a picture or something, but then I realized it was just the line to get to Smiler :lol:

It probably would’ve been a good idea for us to use our ERT to get to X-Sector. Even though Smiler wasn’t open for ERT, 10 o’clock opening wasn’t that far and it we would’ve been able to beat the crowds. But I actually didn’t think to do that until it was too late. Wasn’t a big deal though, we still got to do Smiler…

Plus I wanted to get some rides in on Nemesis. While it does run better in the afternoon, it’s freaking Nemesis and I wanted to ride it. :D

So the staff let us into the left side of the park (Katanga Canyon?), which I thought was the best themed area of the park. Very interesting to walk around.

I forget what this was called, but we weren’t interested to go on a slow boat ride just to get soaked by other sneaky people. The ride seemed fun and stupid.

I knew the park was pretty large, but not THAT huge! After a day at the small Thorpe Park, I wasn’t “prepared” for these long pathways. But they weren’t bad at all. Everything was really pretty—especially the narrow, foresty pathways in Katanga Canyon—and I was really intrigued by the spread out design.

It took us forever (by forever, I mean like five minutes) to get to Runaway Mine Train. I realized we were only halfway to Nemesis, so it was a good idea to pick up RMT on the way while there was no queue.

Besides Big Thunder Mountain, I had never been on another mine train coaster. I had no idea what to expect, so we just hopped right on the long train. The ride ops were filling up the rows from front to back, even though nobody was there. There were two girls sitting in the front, so I sat in the second, and my mom sat in third (don’t think there were anyone else on it).

What a fun ride! Zooming through the turns a little hills were a blast, but the best part was the helix down into the tunnel. We even got to go around twice without stopping (choo choo!)! I was wondering if this normally rides two cycles, or the ride ops just let us go around again because it was still early. Either way it’s a well-themed, fantastic family coaster. 7/10. Shame that was the only time we did it (We easily could have done it again, but I think I was busy riding Nemesis ;)) Probably would’ve done it again later if the line was less than five minutes :p

So kept walking through the narrow woods. We passed Duel (which I’ll get to later) and eventually I started hearing a B&M roar in the distance (but it’s definitely not as loud as some other B&Ms). We were ready to face Nemesis


Like it’s little brother at Thorpe, I really liked Nemesis’ color scheme.

We didn’t waste any time and immediately walked through the empty line. At the moment there was only about a few people in the entire area, so I made sure to get a few rides in.

I love how the first drop dips right over the queue line. It looks pretty good.

For out first ride we did the front. I knew later in the day the GP would wait for the front, and not caring for the back seat. So this was the perfect time to try out the front car, and plus I wanted to check out all the footchoppers and show my mom how much of a terrain coaster this is. I couldn’t tell if we were the only ones on the train or not (I thought I heard like two people toward the back), but it felt like we had the train to ourselves.

So, for our first ride… it was really, really, great. Whenever you weren’t upside down, there were constant footchoppers throughout the entire ride. The inversions were fantastic, giving lots of B&M snap, and the forces were excellent. Also, the first dip into the first corkscrew gave us nice floater air. Airtime on an invert? And in the front row? This coaster knew what it was doing!

The best part: it can only get better. It was still mid morning and we weren’t even in back row. Coming through the brake run, I knew the ride would be even better later in the day.

We immediately did two rerides. Since nobody was there, I asked a ride op if we could just stay in the station and hop right back on. Unfortunately they had us go all the way around through the queue again, as expected.

Now that we got front row out of the way, it was time to do back row as much as possible. Much better than the front! Each ride was better than the last. In the back, the turnaround after the lift hill as actually quite good and whipped us around. The snaps in the corkscrews and zero g roll were amazing. Once you’re halfway through these inversions, the train unexpectedly whips you around even more. I found that the right-most seats gave the most snaps as well. The helix gets better and better; it’s one of the best turns I’ve ever been on, right up there with Boulder Dash’s turnaround. I also find the helix a great place to let out and scream. :) The loop, like the other inversions, really pulls you through the second half of it. I'd say the zero-g roll was my favorite part of the ride, and probably my single favorite inversion on any coaster.

As soon as we hit the brake run of my third ride, I heard myself say, “Perfect.” I had a huge smile on my face. Best invert I’ve ridden by far, best looper, and my new favorite B&M. 10/10

For now I’ve put this at my #5 spot, and as I write this I’m wondering if I’m even ranking it too low. A couple weeks ago I was sort of tempted to go back to SFNE just to see if Bizarro could keep its spot above Nemesis. But I’ll keep Nemesis at a “safe” #5 as I don’t have any plans on hitting SFNE this summer because it’s crap (next year might look good though ;)).

We easily could’ve done more rerides...

...but we had some business to do. By now the park had opened, and more people slowly made their way over here (still wasn’t that crowded though).

Our next ride, Air, was conveniently in the same area.

I like how it interacts with Nemesis with by rising above Nemesis’ final turn.

Another walk on (no surprise). I loved Manta when I rode it a few years ago, so I knew I’d enjoy this one. Sure, it doesn’t have a pretzel loop or anything too intense, but the point of the ride is to just be graceful and fun. Being in the flying position is just a blast. Like Nemesis’ first drop, there’s a bit of airtime on the dip before the first inversion. The lie-to-fly half-inversion thing (where it pushes you on your back) is the best and most intense part of the ride. Other than that the coaster doesn’t actually do much. But, like Swarm, I found this just fun. The inline twist is enjoyable and the close terrain is a bonus. We did two back-to-back rides (I think once in the very back) and I found it a fun, re-rideable, large scaled family coaster. 8.4/10

Throughout the day I kept comparing it to Swarm (as they’re both floaty, smooth, and “gentle” B&Ms), and I decided that I preferred Swarm as it has a bit more to it.

After riding Air I also decided to drop Manta down on my favorites list, something I expected to happen.

Three creds down, five to go. Our next stop was the Dark Forest, only problem was that we didn’t know how to get there. The skyride to the Dark Forest from Fobidden Valley wasn’t open for some reason, so we made an effort in figuring out how to get there. I thought there was some direct path, but we got lost in in the big garden valley between the two themed areas. But I’m glad we winded up in this area because it was the prettiest part of the park. Actually, it was the prettiest area of any theme park I’ve been to!

Besides the skyride (which decided to start operating as soon as we passed it :roll: ), there wasn’t a single ride to be seen. Not another person to be seen. Again, you wouldn’t even know that this was a theme park.

I even lost my sense of direction up until we spotted the Towers again. We couldn’t see anything else. We did however hear riders’ screams coming from the other side of the valley (the rides were calling out to me ;)).

So we headed toward the Towers, and eventually got back on track. We then knew where we were.

We headed toward the Forest, and we finally came across some red intamin track around some trees, which belonged to Rita.

So we did Rita, second longest line of the day at 20 min (behind Smiler).

I had heard that this one wasn’t so great, so I held on tight for our ride. I actually wasn’t sure what to expect. I didn’t think it would be that bad.

One thing I noticed about Rita and Stealth, the last two rows share one big gate at the station. Why is this? Just out of curiosity.

We were assigned somewhere in the middle, didn’t really care (front looked like it would’ve been an extra half hour). Train design is pretty much identical to Stealth’s.

So the ride itself isn’t bad. The launch is the best part of the ride by far (held my arms up for that). Right before we entered the first turn I braced myself. An intense jerk but I could see it being a lot worse if you didn’t expect it. Surprisingly, the first two hills had a bit of nice airtime. The turns were filled with tons of gs, but they weren’t “pleasant” g forces… I guess Nemesis has pleasant gs but the ones on Rita aren’t as fun and a bit too much. They forces also seem to last long and has some rattle to it.

After the two big hills, the rest of the ride is kinda meh. No airtime with some jerkiness. And pulling into the final brake run before the station, I found a big jerk and I slammed my head against the restraint. Not cool.

I think the intense launch and the fun airtime hills save Rita from being a bad coaster. The problems I had with the are the rattley turns and sudden jerks/headbanging (the headbanging actually isn’t too bad if you hold on). It’s not great, but it’s not bad either. 6.9/10

We got off that, we headed over to the next cred, which was sitting awkwardly close to Rita.

Just random open fence in the queue line in case anyone wants to go run away into the forest. No big deal.

Th13teen’s queue line did give us some pretty cool shots of Rita (which I think is a nice to look at or watch).

The line would’ve been another walk on, but due to another bag check, we had to wait a painful five minutes. :( :p So, onto the ride…

Think we were assigned second to last row. After going up the lift hill, we went down the medium sized drop which briefly lifted us out of our seats. I was surprised that the outside hills actually gave us some gentle floater (but weak floater). It’s nice and smooth, but nothing particularly exciting in the first half.

I’m pretty sure the indoor portion (and the station) had some good theming, but I actually don’t remember much of it. The vertical drop section was fun, but I remember Verbolten’s being better (which is ironic, because isn’t Th13teen’s taller?). I think that’s because I knew Th13teen had this element. I went on Verbolten blind, so that element was unexpected, making it more fun.

After the drop, I think the ride did a quick backwards helix or something. It was sort of fun, but the ride ends there. The entire ride is just short and lacking. The vertical drop is good and the hills outside were actually kind of fun. But it’s nothing more than a smooth family coaster. 6.6/10

After cleaning out the Forest, we continued to work are way back around the park and headed toward X-Sector. On our way we got a good look at the Towers.

Alright, time for Smiler… The queue line was a whopping one hundred minute wait…. yeah, not happening! Longest I've ever waited was 90 minutes. We saw there was a single rider queue, so we entered that. I knew the line wouldn’t be much shorter later in the day, so we decided to just get it over with.

The single line as sooo slow. Think it was a total of 45 minutes, but it could’ve been a lot quicker. Again, those bag checks slow everything down, they only let in a certain amount of people in the station, and they only let in a single rider to the train like once every few minutes.

At least the outside portion of the queue line is right under the coaster, providing some entertainment.

The lighting effects inside were only entertaining for a few minutes before becoming boring. That evil Smiler music was also starting to drive me crazy. It felt really long be we survived the wait.

The two of us were put on the same car. I was assigned the third row while my mom was in the fourth. For some stupid reason, I decided to switch with my mom and seat in the back on the very left, even though it might’ve been the roughest seat on the train (I think I just wanted League of Goon points for sitting in back row ;))

Like Saw’s the first barrel roll out of the station is great (I think one of the better inversions of the ride :p). We go up the lift hill, and I start to brace myself, gripping the just above the handle bars of the OTSR. I knew this wasn’t going to be smooth.

I don’t know what to make of this ride. It’s another “meh” ride for a major coaster. The inversions were kind of forgettable, and I don’t think any of them had any hangtime (besides that barrel roll out of the station <3). By far the best parts were the two airtime hills. The second one was even better than the first and caught me by surprise. It had strong ejector and it felt like I was out of my seat for a while. Other than that, the rest of the ride just rattles like crazy. The headbanging isn’t serious, but the ride does kind of throw you around. It’s pretty intense! I was relieved when we hit the brake run, but I noticed the restraint felt a bit tight, tighter than Swarm’s.

Ah well, we did it. Got the credit, now I never have to wait in that line again! :lol:

Ok, if it weren’t for the two airtime hills, the ride would actually be a PoS. If the line was shorter (-10 minutes), I would ride it again just for the airtime. I know I am kind of bashing it right now, but I don’t think it’s that bad. I think I’d ride it over the other park’s mediocore coasters (Rita and Th13teen). I also compared it to Colossus, and I preferred that over this. It’s also better than Saw, but I think I prefer Untamed for my favorite Gerstlauer as it’s more enjoyable and can be re-rideable. So I’d give it a 7/10 for those awesome airtime hills and first barrel roll, but I can’t ignore the crazy rattle this coaster has. Again, I feel like I’m being harsh on this, but it’s alright.

Now it was time for Oblivion, except it had just broken down… my mom said that she heard someone say that it was also having problems the day before, but I didn’t what was up. We decided to wait for it to open and did something else in the meantime.

I did the one at Cedar Point a couple years ago and this Enterprise wasn’t any different. Think there was also one at Thorpe that we didn’t do, so it was nice to see one here. For some reason I found myself a bit scared while riding, unlike when I rode the one at CP. It’s nothing special, some positive g forces (thankfully not too much). Average flat ride, 6/10.

Oblivion still hadn’t opened yet. I thought I was going to get spited until I saw it testing. We gave it a few minutes and we saw a couple people testing on it, and it opened back up.

Pretty good timing for us, especially since the queue line had emptied out, so we just walked right on. Unfortunately they assign you what row your on (we got back). I found the loading platforms a bit confusing there’s multiple lines for one row. At least they don’t have those slow bag checks and just bins in the station. :)

As I expected, it wasn’t as good as Griffon. The drop was great, but not amazing. The holding brake wasn’t as long as Griffon’s too. It sort of felt like a drop tower; slow climb to the top, bit of waiting at the top, nice drop with good airtime, and that’s it. The overbanked turn is fun the hill into the brake time gave some nice floater. The tunnel at the bottom did help a bit, but the ride is pretty much over as soon as it dives down. I felt that Griffon did everything better (drop, length, elements, airtime, etc). What the ride has to offer is pretty good though; it’s great while it lasts, but it’s just way too short. 8/10

I also love the train design and that sexy-looking overbanked turn. <3

So we got everything done in X-Sector. I got a few more pics of Smiler on our way out.

They also had this Smiler minigame here. Looked like just another rip off carnival game.

It was time for the last +1 of the trip.

Sonic Spinball was my second spinning coaster. The only other one I’ve been on was SFNE’s Pandemonium. I had only ridden it once four years ago and I thought it was kinda boring. I’ve been meaning to try it again but the line always looked long and slow. Sonic looked a bit more interesting and luckily it turned to be an exciting ride.

The queue line was a walk on, which was pretty nice because I was expecting a slow wait. For some reason a couple riders didn’t listen to the ride ops and took a little while to get themselves on an empty train.

I found this really fun. It’s actually the jerkiest coaster in the park, but I just found very funny and stupid and enjoyable! Don’t really have anything else to say about it. 6.9/10

Think it was around 1:30 when we got off Sonic. We cut across the front field to go find some lunch. I wanted to try the Pizza & Pasta Buffet, which was convenient because it was on the way back to Nemesis.

It really is such a beautiful area!

We saw a couple sneaky little devils spraying some people on the water ride.

I thought this place was pretty good. I had some slices of pizza along with breadsticks, both of which tasted pretty good. :)

After that I was looking forward to some rerides on Nemesis. Then I forgot that we didn’t do Duel yet, so got that over with. This was my second dark ride shooter (after Men in Black). This one was surprisingly long ride with some decent theming. I’m not too good at these shooter rides, but they’re enjoyable. 6/10

So I think for the next hour and a half I whored Nemesis (with one ride on Ripsaw in between). And holy **** this ride is amazing. It was perfect in the morning, but, like I expected, it got so much better. Each ride just got better than the last.

I did four back-to-back rides. My mom rode with me the first time and sat out for a bit (she finally understood about the ride needing to “warm up”). There were quite a few people in line, but it moved along quickly and it wasn’t any longer than ten minutes. After the first two re-rides I did the single line as the normal line doesn’t let you chose your row when there’s a lot of people. They still assign you your rows in single line but it’s much quicker. Nemesis’ single line is also 10x quicker and better than Smiler’s. :p

After those four re-rides (bringing my total rides to seven), I did Ripsaw, my second top spin flat. Nothing special to say here. Fun rides, and I think it’s a good length. 6.5/10

After that I did more Nemesis. :D At that point I wanted to see if I could get to ten rides, so I did two more single rides and got my mom to do one more with me for my 10th. I also wanted to see if we could get back row as well. The ride ops assign riders from the back row all the way up to the front row. Luckily we would’ve gotten front, and the op let us step aside and wait for back row. :) Definitely the best ride on Nemesis so far. Truly amazing. So much force. Whoring Nemesis was probably one of the most fun things I’ve ever done at theme parks

At one point we wanted to see if we could reride Air. But the queue said over thirty minutes, so we left it. Glad we got a couple rides in it that morning.

We took the skyride across the valley to the Dark forest to do some other stuff.

If the line for Rita was -5 min, I would’ve done it again. But it didn’t look any shorter than our wait that morning. I wanted to try Hex, but first we strolled our way through that kiddie area (whatever it’s called) just to check things out.

I discovered one ride that I really wanted to do, but unfortunately I was too tall. :(

Kiddie driving school!!

I thought this was pretty cute. We decided to watch for a bit to see how things go. At first I wasn’t sure if the cars were programmed to drive on their own, because it seemed like all the kids were following all the rules of the road…

…but then I saw the one kid who decides to go on a joy ride.

After that we made our way to Hex.

I had no idea what this ride was. I thought it was pretty cool how it was placed right inside the Towers. I thought there were too many pre-shows rooms that kinda dragged on. By the time we got into the third room I just wanted to get on the ride. The ride itself is okay, but I like how bizarre it is and how it plays with your head. It’s kind like a slower, smaller swinging ship. Overall the it’s okay. The pre show was dragged out, the ride is mediocre, but I like the atmosphere and the little trick with the room spinning. 5.5/10

The exit through the Towers was pretty cool though.

We went back to X-Sector because I wanted to try Oblivion again (was hoping for front row). And who knows, maybe Smiler’s queue was shorter. :lol:

In fact, Smiler was actually was pending a 70 min wait, but we didn't bothered to wait that long for an alright ride.

We went through the single line of Oblivion (there was a bit of a queue, but probably nothing too bad). Actually this single line just dumps everyone in their own row, they don’t fill in any empty seats. So that was kind of cool. Unfortunately it was back row, so it was more or less the same fun ride we had earlier. Not any better or worse.

As soon as we got off Oblivion broke down again! This time one train was stuck up the lift hill and another right before the holding brake. Good timing for us (again).

I filmed a crappy video showing off the broken ride. (You can see maintenance crew climbing up along the track.)


Another reason why we came over here was because I wanted to get me a coaster T-shirt. For some reason I’d never owned a coaster T-shirt, so why not get one here? I would’ve gotten a Nemesis T-shirt if they had one, so I got a Smiler shirt instead (not because I love the ride, I just thought the shirt looked kinda cool :p).

We also poked our heads around the Smiler Shop. I thought they went a bit over the top with the Smiler merchandise.

Smiler Monopoly?!?

After that we left the store and made our way out of X-Sector (I think Oblivon had opened back up again).

We quickly stopped by Sonic Spinball. Since it was so much fun I wanted to do a reride, but the line was a lot longer and looked pretty slow. We left it.

By now it was around quarter to five. I wanted to do something else that was good, so naturally, we went to Nemesis. ;) This time we headed over to the other Skyride (we had circled around the park twice now) and went up to the Forbidden Valley.

Like my day at Thorpe, I would’ve liked to do some other rides. But I’d rather reride a phenomenal coaster than do some little rides that I can find elsewhere. The Flume looked fun but the line looked pretty long as we passed over it. I didn’t know how fast the line moves.

So I was able to do one more go on Nemesis (11th), and it was definitely the best. Luckily the afternoon queues have died down so there were no more than five people in line/riding. I was able to choose my favorite seat: back row on the very right.

As soon as I got off I asked one of the ops if I could stay on (they let a couple people do that the train before me), but I saw that the ride had just closed. The ride ops were pulling down all the OTSRs to send the empty train around (so the other train with riders could get back in). It was five o’clock (I wasn’t too sure, but I thought the park closed at 5:30 or 6 or something). I didn’t really care. Once again I had perfect timing with these rides and I had a fantastic ride to end my day.

Luckily the Skyride back to the entrance was still running (there were quite a few people waiting to get on). It did look like some other rides were still running. Our cab ride was supposed to pick us up at 5:30-6, so we wandered around a bit.

This guy was jamming to some pop music.

On our way to find a bathroom, we decided to check out CBeebie’s Land!!

If only this was a cred… I probably should’ve ridden it just in case. ;)

Alright enough of that. We grabbed a water in the main area and waited patiently for our cab.

Me being artsy :p

A bit of traffic on the first road out…

…but it soon cleared out for a nice, scenic drive.

What a day! It was actually kind of a while since I’d spent 5+ hours at a theme park (think we were in the park for about 8 hours), and we didn’t even get back to London until 9ish.

So my overall thoughts? Definitely the better park of the trip, and probably in my Top 3 favorite parks. I really liked how different (in terms of design) this was from some of the other parks I’ve visited.

I’d say the left side of the park (Katanga Canyon and Forbidden Valley) is the better area of the park, as it has better theming and for some of the better coasters of the park (specifically Nemesis and Air, but also RMT for a family coaster). The Dark Forest was fine, but X-Sector was a little bland when it came to theming. Operations were also very good, the park was clean, food was good. Nothing particularly bad comes to mind!

So yeah, I had a great visit at a fantastic park. Definitely would love to go back there in the coming years!

There! Thanks for reading my incredibly long Alton Towers report. Might continue writing with my adventures in London, but it might not be as interesting as this (major events included Tower of London and London Eye). We’ll see. ;)
A great AT report there - some really good pictures too!

And very nice to read a "first-time" impression of Alton, good work!
I always love reading a fresh view of the towers, or going with somebody who has never been. It reminds me of why it's rated because after too many trips I often take it all for granted.

You were very lucky the park want busy, that's pretty unusual. You must have hit it in a blank spot between school trips and end of term; nice.

The double gates on Rita and Stealth are for wheelchair access.

The baggage drops (they're really annoying, yes) are due to a spate of thefts at the park in the years preceding Thirteen being built. Teams of criminals were coming into the park to deliberately target bags in the bins. Alton worked with local police to work out a better solution going forwards.

And yes, back right of Nemesis is the best spot. I think at that time of year it's probably just about a to term kind of ride. In the dark in October though? It would make those rides feel like the kiddy ride you didn't go on at the end (I don't know what it's called now :lol: ).

I did laugh at you getting lost in the gardens. Isn't it fantastic that you step two minutes from Nemesis and you're in the middle of nowhere?

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Furie said what I was about to post in his opening line, I love reading peoples first-time views of the bigger parks over here, it's great to see when somebody 'gets' what makes each respective park over here unique.

You do tend to take the uniqueness of Alton for granted when you visit it somewhat regularly and then a report like this brings it all back.

Runaway Mine Train usually does two circuits, it's a great little ride.