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Doctor Who


CF Legend
So with the first episode of the new series out the way, what did everyone think?
Did Matt Smith impress you? What do you think of it so far?

I'm still not too sure if I liked it or not. I reckon it's still because Tennant was such an excellent Doctor Matt's got alot to live up to.
I felt everything at the start with all the food was silly and childish and that girl who played the young Amy had a crap script and wasn't convincing at all.

Also I'm not a fan of the new opening titles, theme tune or logo. Why change something that had nothing wrong with it?

I'm still going to watch each episode but at the moment my first impressions on the new Doctor is that he's just ok. Guess I've just got to get used to him.
Ollie said:
Also I'm not a fan of the new opening titles, theme tune or logo. Why change something that had nothing wrong with it?

Cos Russell T Davies probably still has the rights for basically everything, hence the new look Tardis/screwdriver/etc...

Honestly... It looks like it's gonna be going back to campy fun, which is what it's all about really when you look at it... He seems ok, but I doubt he'll reach the heights that Tennant and Baker (the BEST one ever) were...

If he makes the role his own then good on him... With Steven Moffat in the main writing role I think we will see some excellent episodes though...
The whole episode was basically the Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy though. With a set amount of time before the planet is destroyed by ships from space, while in a quiet country village.

I guess I'll get used to the new Doctor though. Times change and you've just got to adapt to them.
I thought it was a great start to the series. The plot was actually captivating and fairly well put together when compared to some of Russel's episodes. I knew it would get better with Steven at the writing helm. I'll give it a few more episodes though. Matt Smith is doing a good job, just can't live up to Tennant. Give it a few more episodes and we'll be used to him.
Matts given the show a fresh, fun and new feel. All the changed titles and sets are also quite refreshing to see/hear.

You can blatently see he's adding a small bit of David's style to it though.
I loved it.

I thought the episode gave the show a newer, more exciting contemporary edge, whilst still giving the same Dr Who feel which makes it excellent.

I like Matt Smith. Don't forget, he was still in his regeneration period, so once he settles down you'll have a more rounded character.

I look forward to the next 12 episodes.
Wasn't the guy who played the nurse in this episode the same guy who was in Blink?
I don't know whether to look forward to the episode where the statues from Blink come back or not. That episode was so good I don't want it to be ruined.
Ollie said:
Wasn't the guy who played the nurse in this episode the same guy who was in Blink?
I don't know whether to look forward to the episode where the statues from Blink come back or not. That episode was so good I don't want it to be ruined.

No, he isn't.

I think you see more from them, so it could either be good, or bad. But, Steven Moffat is a brilliant writer, and he created them, so it should be good.

River Song is back soon as well. (Another Moffat creation).
Doctor Who is going downhill. The first series was the best and some of the episodes back then were genuinely tense. It's starting to get a little repetitive now. However, I do still watch, because I do still enjoy it.

Towards the end of the last series I got really pissed off with David Tennant. He started getting far to hyperactive and it kinda got on my nerves a bit. Matt Smith is much more controlled and from what I have seen so far I think he's good. We'll have to see how the series progresses, but I've got good expectations.

I'm definitely not a fan of the new graphics at the beginning. Give me a couple of hours in AE and I could probably knock something up that resembles that title sequence. It feels very tacky. I don't mind the new music, that's quite good, but those graphics are pathetic.

I'm also a fan of the Karen Gillan at Amy Pond. There is something weirdly hot about her and she seems like she will make a good assistant. We'll have to see how her character develops over the series.

So overall, this first episode was good. Yes, the plot has been done a million times before, but I still enjoyed it. I think we'll have to see a couple more episodes before the characters really bond and become the standard Doctor ho duo.
He's no Tennant. But I doubt in all honesty whether there will be anyone as good as Tennant - who was blessed with just being perfect for the role. Baker was very good, especially as he's not who you'd think as being a 'Doctor' character - but Tennant is perfect.

Smith, I liked. He's got an air of crazy about him and it works. The new layout and such amuses me though - it's PROPERLY been completely redesigned to try and get people to move on from the 10th Doctor. Something I believe was a correct and successful move on the part of the BBC.

I look forward to the rest of the series - especially British Daleks beating up the hun in the trenches! HAHA!
I didn't really catch the full episode,I missed about the first 10 minutes,caught the middle,and then missed the ending.

But what I did see was quite enjoyable,it will certainly take time to adjust to a new Doctor,and even though I wasn't all that keen on Tennant to begin with,I'd say he went on to become one of thee "better" Doctors.

No doubt I'll follow the whole series,and I'm hoping to catch a repeat of yesterdays show,so I can see it in full.Maybe then I'll pass full judgement.
Personally, I thought that the Christopher Eccleston series was amazing. When Tennant took over, it took me a while to get used to the character's weird mood swings and eccentricity, but once I got used to the character, I really enjoyed the first Tennant series.

Unfortunately, I started to lose interest once the episodes started having convoluted plot lines simply so that they could cross over with Torchwood and Sarah Jane or drag old characters back in (Rose, Donna etc).

I was quite impressed by Matt Smith's debut, and he certainly seems to have made the role his own so far. The new series seems to be a fairly clean break from what's gone before, which in my mind is a good thing. Let's just hope it stays that way, and that they manage to keep the quality of writing high.
MouseAT said:
Personally, I thought that the Christopher Eccleston series was amazing. When Tennant took over, it took me a while to get used to the character's weird mood swings and eccentricity, but once I got used to the character, I really enjoyed the first Tennant series.

Unfortunately, I started to lose interest once the episodes started having convoluted plot lines simply so that they could cross over with Torchwood and Sarah Jane or drag old characters back in (Rose, Donna etc).

I was quite impressed by Matt Smith's debut, and he certainly seems to have made the role his own so far. The new series seems to be a fairly clean break from what's gone before, which in my mind is a good thing. Let's just hope it stays that way, and that they manage to keep the quality of writing high.

All of this to be honest :)

I loved the "reboot" and Ecclestone. I though he was actually one of the better Doctors, with some of the best scripts.

Tennant played a great role, but I found a lot of the scripts a little tedious and, well, dull. I was really going off the entire thing, with Tennant being to only good thing in the show - it's more like a soap than a sci-fi.

Saturday's episode though I actually really, thoroughly enjoyed. It was a real shock at the start with the new titles, music and Doctor. It also started off very ropey, with some poor dialogue and iffy acting.

Also, not impressed with "Standard CGI beast".

As it went on though, you could seen Smith really getting into the role as he shook off the "Tennantisms" and regenerated properly. Moffat seems to really have a deep understanding of the secret underlying system which Doctor Who uses. The idea that the Tardis is hooked into the personality of the Doctor - the link between them - it's brilliant.

Really looking forward to some quirky episodes, some great fun and a few mild - child friendly- scares.

It's reminding me of Sylvester McCoy, who was probably the best of the original Doctors after Tom Baker (down to the script a lot too, as the Tom Baker episodes are very dry Sci-Fi, McCoy got some fantastic stories).
I finally caught up with it on Iplayer HD and it looked stunning.

I thought it was ok, he was ok as the doctor a lot better than I thought he would be. I thought it would be rubbish but it was no.

Not over keen on the disco tardis but I am sure it will grow on me.

The clips from whats to come made me happy, looks like a lot of good stories.

I am also quite happy Rose and others will not appear, was getting a tad old as story lines went.

I personally could not stand Ecclestone, I just dont like anything the guy has been in. He always plays the same part be it as Dr Who, the guy in Heros and 28 days later.
I enjoyed the first Moffat/Smith episode on Saturday! I think it tried to do too much though, so felt a bit disjointed at times.

I think Matt Smith will be excellent. He's a strong actor, brought a lot to the role immediately, and didn't at all look over-awed by following such an established act as Tennant. The new assistant was alright too!

I reckon there were some sly digs at Russell T. Davies in there as well:-

When the Doctor took the laptop off that bloke he said, "You need to get a girlfriend!" It's a good line, but I reckon it's there because in an RTD script that would have been "You need to get a boyfriend." That's Moffat showing he's different to RTD.

Plus, the plot was a "Doctor Saves The World" jobbie - which we've seen countless times already. Moffat basically treated it with disdain, giving it very little time or depth, as if to say "Here you go - a mandatory Save The World story sorted - now let's get on with some REAL plotting for the rest of the series!"
I was impressed by Matt Smith as the Doctor, he's going to be good and reminds me of Eccleston.

Will be good to see what is coming next. Amy Pond in a somewhat unconvincing policewoman outfit was quite nice to look at, haha.
So did anyone else think Episode 3 was a bit rubbish?

Weak writing and plotting, some shouty stuff from the Doctor and Daleks dressed as smarties. Definitely not up to the usual standard.

On the other hand, Episode 4 looks like it could be a classic! :)
I like the old school Daleks - they are supposed to be pure Dalek DNA after all, so it makes sense for them to be a packet of skittles. :lol:

I think you're all missing the point. I love all this scriptwriting to mix old with new - it's genius!