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Coasters you can't believe people hate


Strata Poster
As a follow on from the Coasters you can't believe people love thread...

a couple of mine:

Blackpool wild mouse - It's just awesome fun!

and a slightly more controversial one -
Saw at Thorpe Park, I keep on thinking "maybe this time I'll have one of those bad rides people keep talking about" - but it never happens - slight jolt on the bottom of the vertical drop, but the rest is great!
The first one that comes in mind is Kanonen. It's definitely not a great ride, but I didn't find anything 'bad' about it either, leave alone terrible or awful. I thought it was a decent compact accelerator. It was also very smooth, and not too uncomfortable with the soft-ish restraints.
Maybe people don't "hate" it but I gotta go with MForce.
Still love it, and more so I don't quite get why enthusiasts crap on it (or at least dismiss it). I know it's not the most forceful but people are talking always how I305, Maverick, Skyrush, Voyage, can be "too much" and how much they hate having to learn "how to ride" a coaster and etc Well, MForce is still as smooth as ever, perfectly re-rideable. I can get why people may prefer more intense ones, but MForce is pretty much laughed off.

Great Bear. This one I really don't get. The near universal criticism I see is "what a boring end" "just makes a few turns to finish"

^This. I covered it in my other thread but MF is not a bad ride but doesn't deserve the hype it continues to receive after all these years IMO.
ThomVD said:
The first one that comes in mind is Kanonen.
Man, I'd love to have it in my backyard! Pretty sure it would even fit... And, I rode it more than Balder!

As far as Millennium Force goes, it just doesn't do anything for me outside of its first drop. Long drawn out turns are kinda meh, I fault the SROS clones for that too, but they at least have (good) airtime hills. (and I do enjoy I305) and I don't find Maverick too intense or hard to ride.
All that is quite fair! I guess more nuanced answers like that are good, just the typical is "lol that ride?" or "that is garbage" also part of it is I am always late to the party and catch these rides after they've been neutered/have worse restraints/are not in their prime running. So I'm always left with one small little thing that keeps them being my most enjoyable experience.

Hydra and Great Bear are ones I often hear scoffed though and I'm not quite sure why.
caffeine_demon said:
Saw at Thorpe Park, I keep on thinking "maybe this time I'll have one of those bad rides people keep talking about" - but it never happens - slight jolt on the bottom of the vertical drop, but the rest is great!
I second this, I really enjoyed saw and didn't find it uncomfortable at all.

Tonnere De Zeus gets a fair bit of hate for being inconsistent and I guess many people have had bad rides on it, but the rides I had on it were all brilliant. It just felt completely wild and out of control, the roughness adds to it in my opinion.
JJLehto said:
I agree with Hydra. I found it super fun, and actually the best ride in the park! Nice compact layout with a good combination of positives and negatives :--D

ThomVD said:
The first one that comes in mind is Kanonen. It's definitely not a great ride, but I didn't find anything 'bad' about it either, leave alone terrible or awful. I thought it was a decent compact accelerator. It was also very smooth, and not too uncomfortable with the soft-ish restraints.
Many firends of mine have got severe neck bruises from that ride. I've managed well though, since I'm fairly tall. But it still doesn't detract from the fact that it's a boring (almost stall on the super tiny tophat) and not very inspiring (going over concrete) ride...
JJLehto said:
Hydra and Great Bear are ones I often hear scoffed though and I'm not quite sure why.

Hydra is one of the dullest B&M's ever created. The layout looks quite interesting, but the execution is slow and forceless. It's very rare I come off a B&M with this sort of feeling, but Hydra was just disappointing. I liked the Jo Jo Roll though.

Agreed with Great Bear though. The ending (which only lasts about 5 seconds) is slow, but the rest of the ride is very forceful. I loved it.

mouse said:
Tonnere De Zeus gets a fair bit of hate for being inconsistent and I guess many people have had bad rides on it, but the rides I had on it were all brilliant. It just felt completely wild and out of control, the roughness adds to it in my opinion.

Although I have ridden it on one of its poorer days, when it's running well, it's amazing. I couldn't agree with this more.

There is a lot of woodies for which I don't understand the hate. One's like Stampida, Gwazi and Ghost Rider are quite rough, but I enjoy/ed all of them, particularly Ghost Rider. Also, the KD woodies are not rough or bad IMO. Okay, maybe Hurler is because I sat towards the front for that, but we should all know that sitting towards the back on a notoriously 'rough' woodie is going to result in a beating :p I'll also add Wildcat at HP to this list because I found this to not be very rough and I sat near the back on one of my rides.

In terms of steel coasters, I don't understand the hate for Euro Mir. In all fairness I do have a bit of a soft spot for this coaster, but although the coaster section isn't very good, I love the ridiculously long spiral lift, the twisting round the towers at the top and of course, the soundtrack <3

I'd say Mumbo Jumbo as well, but that's because I really love hang time and I know others don't. Obviously, I couldn't agree less with any hate for I305 because I only have ultimate love for that coaster.
Hydra makes me really sad because I wanted so much to like it and be cool and different but I detested it. For something so funky it does nothing!

Rita is one I don't understand why people hate - it's so much fun and the launch is really intense.

Same goes for Furius Baco, that coaster is crazy intense and just so much fun with it.

Goliath at SFMM is another one for me - the drop is fab because it's just so long and straight and feels massive, the airtime hill is one of the best hills in the World and the helix is crazy. Very excited for Titan next month!

The GIBs are another one, they're amazing!
^ UGH Ben, Baco is gross. I agree with the GIBs though, they're pretty sweet.

I agree with whoever said Saw. I actually kind of enjoy it for what it is, and I've yet to miss it on any trip to Thorpe. People seem to hate on Kingda Ka a lot, and though it's inferior to Dragster, I don't think it's a bad ride!
Woo great bear love!

I forgot about Goliath at SFMM but agreed, I really liked it. I managed to ride it like 10 times over the day (just never had any wait IDK if this is normal) and the drop is epic, as the day got on I got a good airtime pop on the first turnaround and some pretty sweet airtime on the hill. My only gripe was how short it was, and it wasn't quite as forceful as I expected but still was really fun!
Great Bear was great until that drawn out ending. The rest of the ride is amazing then it just DIES after the corkscrew. It's a real shame.
I guess I just see it as enthusiasts being a little OTT. Like OK it's a bit of a weak ending but, it's like that negates literally the whole ride, especially since that's like a few seconds long, granted it's a short ride overall. Well guess that's why this is the "can't believe" thread lol
I'll agree with the previously said Furious Baco. I found the ride to be a blast and have one of the best launches out there. Vortex @ Kings Island is the best of the Arrow loopers I've ridden, really don't get the hate for it. Firehawk @ Kings Island was also one of the better flying coasters I've ridden, I just love how weird it is. Boss @ SFSL was a very good wooden coaster in my opinion, enjoyed all of it. Most of all, Beast's day ride was amazing. I not only loved it but enjoyed it more than my night ride. I can understand why people hate all of these though, but I really like them and don't think they deserve all the hate they do get.
Yeah, after the corkscrew there only seems to be one turn until the brakes. So I'm not really getting the "dies down" argument. Haven't ridden though so I wouldn't know.
mouse said:
caffeine_demon said:
Saw at Thorpe Park, I keep on thinking "maybe this time I'll have one of those bad rides people keep talking about" - but it never happens - slight jolt on the bottom of the vertical drop, but the rest is great!
I second this, I really enjoyed saw and didn't find it uncomfortable at all.

And I third it! I just don't get all the hate around it... Both of the rides I had on it were so much fun. Okay, it's not an awesome coaster filled with awesomeness and such, but none of the coasters in Thorpe is. I did find it to be the best ride in the park, partially also due to being practically the only one that was operated at capacity on the day I visited.

I'd also put the other Merlin Gerst here, Smiler. I did find to be rather fun. Admittedly, it was nothing spectacular, but in no way as bad as some people try to present it. Okay, it did get a bit repetitive and boring due to all the inversions, but it was good fun, I only wish that it would have a shorter queue back when I visited, so I wouldn't have been obliged to get myself a fastpass.
I'm seconding Boss at SFStL. It's a great ride with decent airtime and forces. Don't get the hate for it at all.

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