Nicky Borrill
Strata Poster

We're done with round 2 now, it's time for round 3...
It's time to vote for which type we'll be building in this round.
The Nominations Are:
Wooden Coaster (Constraints: Max Height: 130ft, Traditional 'all wood' Coaster (No Hybrids) Zero Inversions, Min Speed: 40mph)
* Please note, the constraints on this one have changed based in feedback in an earlier discussion
Maurer Spinning Coaster (Constraints: Max Area: 30M x 40M, Min Cars: 4)
Gerst Infinity Coaster (Constraints: Propulsion: Lift Hill, Max Height: 175ft, Min Height: 120ft, Min Length: 4000ft, Compulsory Element/s: Interlocking corkscrews)
Please pick which you think we should build using the attached poll.
Voting ends midnight (GMT) Sunday evening (6th March.) Contestants will then have until midnight (GMT) on Sunday 20th March to build and submit their entry. You, the members, will be asked to vote on your favourites.
Each type has it's own set of constraints that must be abided by. If a constraint isn't mentioned for a particular type, then the contestant has creative freedom. For example, where no propulsion type is mentioned, a contestant may use a lift hill or a launch. Except in the case of material, where it is either defined by the type itself, or a constraint.
Contestants will be judged purely on the layout. light theming, / landscaping may be added, but we will ask you to ignore this when picking a winner.
Layouts will be judged on 3 categories:
Realism: How realistic is the layout?
Originality / Creativity: Does this layout contain unique elements, is it an original idea?
Overall: Which layout would you most like to ride overall?
There will be a winner each round for each of the above judging categories. But the league table will be placed based on the Overall category, with Realism and Creativity being used to separate ties.
League Table Points will be awarded for each round as follows. Overall winner: 5 pts, 2nd place: 4 pts, 3rd place: 3 pts, 4th place: 2 pts, 5th place: 1 pt.
League season will last for 6 rounds.