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CCR To Close Forever


CF Legend
Not major news but Canada Creek Railway at Thorpe Park is to close forever on the 6th November.


Image from Go Merlin.
why would they do this new ride maybe because remeber the plans it said that there would be some new flat rides coming so we could see one in 2013 maybe just a suggestion
I don't get it. Why would you do this Thorpe? Why? One of the few last remnents of the time when presumably the place had a pleasant atmosphere and actually felt like a well-rounded, professional and acceptable visitor attraction.

What is the point in this? The railway is always reasonably popular whenever I ride it. Nothing can fit in it's footprint anyhow.
I've got a feeling that TP is going to rebuild the railway so that it goes all the way around the park (OK maybe not the swarm island) because it doesn't go very far...

It's sad but the future will be better...
owenrita121 said:
why would they do this new ride maybe because remeber the plans it said that there would be some new flat rides coming so we could see one in 2013 maybe just a suggestion

Suggested fix to the above quote:
Why would they do this?
Perhaps they are building a new ride?
I think I remember the plans mentioned something about a new flat ride.
Maybe this is intended for the 2013 season?
I'm not sure that this is the case, so I am merely offering this explanation as a possible suggestion.

Owen, do you see how much more clear your message becomes when a little effort is applied?
I'm not the grammar police, just a guy who likes to understand what I'm reading.

Also, I was wondering if Creedence Clearwater Revival had reformed and broken up again from the subject...
rollermonkey said:
owenrita121 said:
why would they do this new ride maybe because remeber the plans it said that there would be some new flat rides coming so we could see one in 2013 maybe just a suggestion

Suggested fix to the above quote:
Why would they do this?
Perhaps they are building a new ride?
I think I remember the plans mentioned something about a new flat ride.
Maybe this is intended for the 2013 season?
I'm not sure that this is the case, so I am merely offering this explanation as a possible suggestion.

Owen, do you see how much more clear your message becomes when a little effort is applied?
I'm not the grammar police, just a guy who likes to understand what I'm reading.

Also, I was wondering if Creedence Clearwater Revival had reformed and broken up again from the subject...
well in the real world people dont talk like that :redhotevil:
I highly doubt this has anything to do with building a new ride, I bet its purely due to maintenance costs, which they can't be bothered to pay anymore.
It's not the end of the world though, I'm sure it'll go to another park...but heyhas anyone EVER pegged it into TP so that they can go on CCR?

I'm surprised that TP haven't used it as ANOTHER publicity stunt!
I don't particularly care its going, what I don't get though is.

Why would they go to the trouble of retracking it to go through the Saw area only to remove it two years later?

Also with the Miss Hippo area and now this gone, creates a nice space for an out and back coaster although I doubt that's what the space will be used for.
owenrita121 said:
well in the real world people dont talk like that :redhotevil:

Yes they do.

As for CCR, I'm glad I took a ride on it last time I was there. I always found it gave a nice break away from the main park and I enjoyed going around the back of Saw and Loggers. Saddened.
Another problem is it crosses many of the most busiests paths in the park, everytime the train passes it halts the flow, I'd imagine a few people jump the barriers as well.
^ lol I thought that, could have had something a little less "we don`t give a crap." I know its certainly not the parks best ride, but its served the park well for over 20 years.
Meh, It was pretty rubbish anyway. I only went on it as there was no queue and my dad wanted a break from the main rides.

CoasterCrazy said:
I've got a feeling that TP is going to rebuild the railway so that it goes all the way around the park (OK maybe not the swarm island) because it doesn't go very far...

It's sad but the future will be better...

That is possible and would be a lot better that way, but like plenty of people have said they're most probably getting rid of it due to high maintenence costs.
As is so often the case with Merlin, this comes down to money, pure and simple. It takes two staff members at the very least to operate and the cost of the diesel and everything else is something Merlin don't want to pay.

It's removing another part of 'classic Thorpe' which in itself isn't a bad thing, theme parks have to move with the times and evolve, but it takes away one of the two rides left that young children can go on, alienating family groups that little bit further. Thorpe are doing everything they can to stop families from going. If I want to go with a few friends and take my daughters, using Parent Swap for the big rides like we used to be able to do, there is absolutely nothing for them to do now unless they want to ride the Carousel all day.

On a personal level, it's just another reason not to renew my AP, as if I needed any more.
I'd say its more to do with it not fitting in the park anymore. With the removal of the Octopus Garden, there is very little reason for any kids to visit the park anymore, and a train ride like this aimed at kids. I'd imagine the Banana Boat will follow suit soon enough.
^ and the carousel, being right next door to the Banana Boat the removal of those two together could create enough space for a flat thrill ride or a new building if needed.