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Blackpool Pleasure Beach Lauch Speedy Pass


Hyper Poster
Speedy pass is now partially installed at BPB and yesterday was operating on some rides.
The place where you pick up your speedy pass bot is as you go through the left side of the main entrance and just after the scanners the office is on your left where the seperate part for ticket sales and wristbands used to be. From a quick look through the door window it looks like the Q Bot system I was led to believe it was going to be. The following rides are either on or looking likely to be on Speedy Pass

Grand National - entrance is where the disabled entrance is
Iceblast - entrance is where the old exit/photo booth used to be
Valhalla - to the left of the ropes
Big Dipper - cut away near the scanner
PMBO - to the left of the ropes
Steeplechase - to the right of the basketball game, steps lead to the red track
Alice Ride - Nothing for sure yet but from some ropes and what looks like steps it looks like this is going to be on speedy pass

A couple of things to rent a Speedy Pass bot is a £50 deposit returned if the bot is returned in the state given out. Infusion will not be part of this due to a lack of infustructure and finally Speedy Pass will not run on days when the expected amount of people in the park is less than 2000
Dipper - exit ramp


Steeplechase new steps

Big One

Grand National (disabled entrance)




Photos From Pleasure Beach experience.
Does BPB really need a speedy pass system?


I've been there about 10 times over the past five years and with the exception of the winter weekends, the queues have never exceeded 20-30 mins regardless of the time of the year, which is acceptable.

The two rides which will benefit are Valhalla and Avalanche...although I see the latter isn't included.

This is just another way of fleecing people, but if it leads to further investment then it's a good thing.

I hope that's a balanced post so it doesn't upset PBExperince.
It's an interesting move, but could they make the signs somewhat more visible? Since it's blue writing on green! White would've been better as the font colour.
So apart from the £50 for the deposit, how much does the Speedy Pass actually cost?
I don't know the actual cost, but probably the highest in Europe ;)
I've been there about 10 times over the past five years and with the exception of the winter weekends, the queues have never exceeded 20-30 mins regardless of the time of the year, which is acceptable.

Thats a good point there, which I, and probably other people do take for granted, and its probably brought on from how there never used to be queue's at the PB.

For example, if I see Big Dipper's queue spilling out on to the main walkway, I always think "**** that", yet really, its only about 20 mins....

Anywho, with the exception of Big Dipper, I think they've got the ride list bang on.
A couple of things to rent a Speedy Pass bot is a £50 deposit returned if the bot is returned in the state given out.

Ridiculous! How much would one of things actually cost to replace? A tenner?

Call me cynical, but I'm predicting a whole lot of "damaged" speedy passes going back at the end of the day.
Probably find they're made from really thin paper that disappears when it even gets slightly wet. So if you don't buy a poncho for Valhalla then they've got £50 out of you.
Blackpool doesn't need this. It rarely has queues longer than 20 minutes.
I agree they don't need it, They have tried at a text to queue system yet that failed. They may however think they park will be busy so many need it now which could be true.
I think it was said the pass costs £10 However I am not sure at all. Sorry about the stuff on twitter that was said, I don't think they realized AeRo wasn't part of this site any more and arguing with Amanda over the height of a coaster was bit much.
I understand why some rides may need it in busy months like Steeples low capacity and Dipper ect. I wouldn't be surprised if Streak, Splash Bash and Blue Flyer got them as well.
I think it may crowd up the exits on some rides, It doesn't suit Pb that much either.
furie said:
I don't know the actual cost, but probably the highest in Europe ;)
PMSL! You're on the "leval" today, furie.
I LOVE Q-Bots and am usually all over the idea of them, but, Blackpool is probably the last major park in the World that would actually need them...
Martyn B said:
I don't think they realized AeRo wasn't part of this site any more and arguing with Amanda over the height of a coaster was bit much.

Lol, care to elaborate some more...?
If you look on this you can see the story http://twitter.com/#!/CoasterForce

Basicly, Joe (Coasterking) Who runs the twitter and a few other people on the site thought it was unfair for people to be arguing with Amanda about the false claims about the big one being tallest in Europe. Pleasure Beach experiences Twitter told coasterforce that their members let them done or something and it was AeRo that was arguing who Doesn't post on this site often. Read the link if your intrested.

Anyway...Speedy Pass
Haha, I started it actually, but I wasn't arguing. I saw it as an opportunity to ask the "top dog" how they substantiate that claim.

I didn't push the issue though at all. It's rare you get an opportunity to talk to a high level park manager like that and ask them such questions. If you're going to lie in public, then you have to expect somebody to question you surely? It's no more rude to ask for a reason for the lie than it is to lie in the first place ;)

Anyway, yes, Speedy Pass... Liek Ian, I can't really see the point as the queues never seem to get particularly high.

They're either:
a) cashing in on the recognised "fact" that parks are always full to busting and need this system (making money off Merlin park's bad reputations).

b) really expecting Nick Land to massively increase visitor numbers.

I can't really see any other reason?
It is a dreadful idea imo.

PB can become very busy in the summer, but even then if the rides are running on full capacity, the queues are always fast moving and adding this Speedy Pass thing is only going to slow things down.

An idea which I am totally against and wouldn't be fussed if it was scrapped.
^ I know. It's because it takes over an hour to match the ****ing trains up so you can get off the ride. If you like the sound of air brakes hissing, go there!
Scott88 said:
It is a dreadful idea imo.

PB can become very busy in the summer, but even then if the rides are running on full capacity, the queues are always fast moving and adding this Speedy Pass thing is only going to slow things down.

An idea which I am totally against and wouldn't be fussed if it was scrapped.


Sorry, but I never expected to see a post like this from you Scott :p

Exactly how I feel about Chessie adding Fast-track on Jumbos, Truckers and Toadies... And those don't have the throughputs that half the rides at Blackpool have...