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Biddy's Birthday ride


Strata Poster
This is a "story" that gets trawled out a few times a year by various different parks. Why not just have this one topic we resurrect every time? (A bit like the one for Alton's crap publicity stunts)

Here's the latest one...

Thelma Gratsch celebrated her 89th birthday Wednesday by taking a ride on her favorite roller coaster, Diamondback at Kings Island



http://oakley-mariemont.fox19.com/news/ ... ster/73268
Looks kinda photoshopped, especially the one of the whole train.

Good on her I say, if only we could all be that full of life at that age!
^Full of life?

Bitch looks half dead! Does she even know where she is?
OK, maybe full of life was the wrong phrase. ;)
gavin said:
^Full of life?

Bitch looks half dead! Does she even know where she is?

The darkness around her eyes and scrawny arms says she's already dead and half decomposing to me...
The headline should have been. "Hobbits make it out of Middle Earth to ride Diamondback".
Them crazy old people!! With them tape players... and their.. Their funky jazz music..

STC said:
In other news, the front of that train is absolutely hideous.

In other news, shut the **** up, this whole "That train looks ugly" fad is getting old.