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  1. tomahawk

    The TV we watch...

    Tiger King This show was a ****in trip. The memes though are gold. Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk
  2. tomahawk

    SFGAdv | Jersey Devil Coaster | RMC Raptor | 2021

    Pretty sure I'm closer than the people who were saying it wouldn't be done until July, but thanks for playing. Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk
  3. tomahawk

    Gaming Recommendations

    Oh boy, where to begin... Just picked up a Switch last week, which was a ****ing nightmare to find, so elected to pick up Pokemon Shield with it. I was very critical of lack of national dex, but I really am loving the game so far. The wild area is what I hope the games transition to in the...
  4. tomahawk

    SFGAdv | Jersey Devil Coaster | RMC Raptor | 2021

    They have about, 21 hours to finish this bitch so I'm right. So sexy Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk
  5. tomahawk

    Coronavirus: Impact on Theme Parks

    Man, I'm gonna try and be nice, I am, but never ****ing listen to this dick cheese. The homeless crackhead on the corner knows more than he does. This **** needs to end so my ass can go get some Gal Gadot and Jersey Devil's Threesome action. Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk
  6. tomahawk

    CANCELLED - Remember the Gal Gadot! | SAN ANTONIO, TX PARKS | 9th - 10th May 2020

    Hey everyone, So didn't want to write this post, but I think we all knew it was going to happen at some point with the way things are progressing. At this time, we are postponing the Live until further notice. We will readdress in the next few months if we will have it in the latter part of the...
  7. tomahawk

    SFGAdv | Jersey Devil Coaster | RMC Raptor | 2021

    Seriously man. It's a joke. They have 4 days to finish.
  8. tomahawk

    Phantasialand | F. L. Y. | Vekoma Launched Flying Coaster | 2020

    But they clearly had no timeline or plan in building. Just a lot of concrete. How dare they take this long. Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk
  9. tomahawk

    What positive things have you got to look forward to in the near future?

    Get to spend time with my dog and do some work from home. Not the worst thing ever. Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk
  10. tomahawk

    Busch Gardens Tampa | Iron Gwazi | RMC Gwazi | 2022

    Like it's been said, most of the electrical is in the station and brake run, which they've been testing for a few weeks. Lift had been done, everything from that, to brakes, is gravity and wheels on rails. No MCBR or anything. All they have to do is go make sure everything is tightened and slap...
  11. tomahawk

    Silver Dollar City | Mystic River Falls | River Rapids

    **** I need this Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk
  12. tomahawk

    Energylandia's Future Additions

    Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, because I can't remember if this came from park owner, enthusiast talk, or my own ass, but I remember hearing that once this new area was done, and hotel, that they were going to go back to the front part of the park and spruce it up, otherwise known as...
  13. tomahawk

    CANCELLED - Remember the Gal Gadot! | SAN ANTONIO, TX PARKS | 9th - 10th May 2020

    So a shirt has been made for the Drunk Riders with our longest running joke... Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk
  14. tomahawk

    The TV we watch...

    Hunters on Amazon Prime I have two episodes left, and the show is ****ing incredible. It's another alt history show (Man in the High Castle is on the docket for next week to finish) where Nazi have secretly been infiltrating US Government since the end of WW2 and they are being hunted by...
  15. tomahawk


    Well ****, maybe I will do this Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk
  16. tomahawk

    Busch Gardens Tampa | Iron Gwazi | RMC Gwazi | 2022

    I can't wait to just, love that stall. Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk
  17. tomahawk

    Kings Island | Orion | B&M Giga Coaster

    You seriously have to be a troll account, but then I remember it's Kings Island and I am reminded you are a probably very real delusional dumb ass. The ****ing treble clef is more unique than anything on this ride. Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk
  18. tomahawk

    SFGAdv | Jersey Devil Coaster | RMC Raptor | 2021

    Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk
  19. tomahawk

    SFGAdv | Jersey Devil Coaster | RMC Raptor | 2021

    That's actually not true about WW. It was supposed to open Spring and opened mid May. I rode it the Saturday after Memorial Day and it had been open for a few weeks. So, yeah. I'm saying this literally every post I make, but construction will be done by end of March, opening either mid or late...
  20. tomahawk

    SFMM | Wonder Woman Flight of Courage | RMC Raptor | 2022

    Coming in 2021! The World's Only looping water coaster! See. There's your first. Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk