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  1. JoshC.

    Six Flags Qiddiya | Saudi Arabia | Theme Park

    $800B. 800. Billion. Dollars. $800,000,000,000. That is...incomprehensible. To use the old comparison: 1 day is 86,400 seconds. 1 million seconds is about 11.5 days. 1 billion seconds is about 31.7 years. 800 billion seconds is just under 25 and a half millennia. To put that in context...
  2. JoshC.

    LoG 2024: July Submissions

    Date: 7th July 2014 Park: Thorpe Park Roller Coasters: 4 Front Row/Back Row/Solo/New-to-Me: 0 Water/Dark/Flat/Other Attractions: 0 Shows: 1 New-for-2024: 0 ORP/ORV/Character/Proof of Solo Ride: 0 CF-Live: N Trip Report: N Points added = 37
  3. JoshC.

    Thorpe Park | Hyperia | Mack Hyper Coaster | 2024

    Just as a minor clarification: wheel heaters were always there, it's that more / new ones have been added.
  4. JoshC.

    Europa Park | 50th Anniversary Attraction | 2025 ?
  5. JoshC.

    UK General Election 4th July 2024

    Hopefully my intention was clear enough 😀
  6. JoshC.

    UK General Election 4th July 2024

    I spoilt my ballot. I'm disillusioned with the broken system. Any election I've taken part in I've lived in one of two constituencies. They've both been Tory-held since their inception (bar the couple of months that Philip Hammond technically became independent). My current constituency has...
  7. JoshC.

    Drayton Manor | Gold Rush | Intamin Family Coaster | 2024

    Convoluted and ridiculous beyond belief, and surely also not right, given the existence of Revolution at BPB?
  8. JoshC.

    Kent, England | The London Resort | Entertainment Complex

    It sort of feels like there was a plague on UK theme parks since it was announced. A plague which has started to shrivel up in the last couple of years. Maybe this nail in the coffin will lift the curse off the UK scene.
  9. JoshC.

    LoG 2024: June Submissions

    Date: 01/06/2024 Park: Thorpe Park Roller Coasters: 2 Front Row/Back Row/Solo/New-to-Me: 1 Water/Dark/Flat/Other Attractions: 3 Shows: 1 New-for-2024: 0 ORP/ORV/Character/Proof of Solo Ride: 0 CF-Live: N Trip Report: N Bonus Coasters: None --- Date: 09/06/2024 Park: Thorpe Park Roller...
  10. JoshC.

    LoG 2024: May Submissions

    Date: 18/05/2024 Park: Thorpe Park Roller Coasters: 2 Front Row/Back Row/Solo/New-to-Me: 0 Water/Dark/Flat/Other Attractions: 5 Shows: 0 New-for-2024: 0 ORP/ORV/Character/Proof of Solo Ride: 0 CF-Live: N Trip Report: N Bonus Coasters: None --- Date: 23/05/2024 Park: Thorpe Park Roller...
  11. JoshC.

    Drayton Manor | Gold Rush | Intamin Family Coaster | 2024

    This is such a weird coaster, and I'm not sure it I dig it or not.
  12. JoshC.

    Last Cred Review

    My heart broke reading this. I rode Skyrush 2 years ago and it was everything. Incredible first drop. Smooth. Buckets of airtime that would have yeeted you to Hershey. I wonder if the new restraints have had any sort of impact, or if it's just a ride which is a relic in some ways and won't cut...
  13. JoshC.

    Formula Rossa SBNO

    The suggestion was half-humorous, half-serious, as I wasn't sure how common they were in the engineering field, but that's interesting to hear. Thanks!
  14. JoshC.

    Universal considering UK theme park in Bedford

    We're in a time where what looks like a professional film crew (presumably from a distance) could be anything from a Hollywood director to a YouTube vlogger with a bit of money. This doesn't really mean anything at the moment in my books.
  15. JoshC.

    Formula Rossa SBNO

    Yeah, I'm on this trail of thought more at the moment. Yeah, there's a lot of things which could cause the ride to stop, but that's true of any coaster. I think the biggest issue I forsee is the fact that part of the ride is on a literal cliff, and how do they go about regular checks on that...
  16. JoshC.

    Thorpe Park | Hyperia | Mack Hyper Coaster | 2024

    Originally Ghost Train did (or at least, was planned to) open at 10am. At some point, although I can't remember when (I think either some point in 2017, or 2018), the decision was made to open it from 12pm daily. The reason for that was because the amount of man hours needed to do the morning...
  17. JoshC.

    WTF Merlin?

    Well this is handy to know as I'm going during August and was looking forward to the 11pm closure. I mean, I'll guess I'll stay, but it is a bit of a sucker punch. It's funny, Brits aren't describing it as a heatwave. The media did, yeah, but I think there was a collective laugh amongst the...
  18. JoshC.

    Thorpe Park | Hyperia | Mack Hyper Coaster | 2024

    Definitely not; it was finished being put together last night. It does beg the question what the causes for the delays are and why they can't get it open earlier at the moment. Mack are still on site, and involved a lot. It's not an ideal situation.