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  1. Aaron

    SkyJump at the Stratopshere

    I did a controlled jump at centre parcs, about 60ft literally just step off an edge and a winch lets you free fall about 20ft before slowing you down gently* (allegedly, it bloody hurt) genuinely one of the scariest things I've ever done, taking the step was harder than I expected, I really had...
  2. Aaron

    NEMESIS: SUB-TERRA [Alton 2012]

    New Indoor Ride for Alton in 2012 I thought that was just speculation and wasn't actually confirmed? Communicating through the ether... (tapatalk)
  3. Aaron

    Favoured blade for shaving.

    I used to be scared of using blades so used electric, but then I tried using blade and it did so much better, never gone back. Now I use that gilette pro glide one, I was very cynical about the marketing Bol***ks they go on with but having tried a few I've found it's the most comfortable. As...
  4. Aaron

    GhosterForce 8 - Trip Reports

    Excellent video there some really good memories, though I didn't realise I looked quite that awkward during the costume competition results! Lol! Communicating through the ether... (tapatalk)
  5. Aaron

    GhosterForce 8 - Trip Reports

    ^Rach I'd love a full size copy of that pic if you have it plz?
  6. Aaron

    GhosterForce 8 - Trip Reports

    ^ shows how much attention I was paying then haha. Sorry bud :)
  7. Aaron

    GhosterForce 8 - Trip Reports

    Finally got round to getting in here First off may I say that I had an absolutely wonderful day, it was SO good to be back at a CF live again, and I promise to try to get to more next year (will even book holiday time so I can go to BOTH days of GF next year!) It really was lovely to see so...
  8. Aaron

    Theme Park Failures

    One of the most notable failures in my eyes in recent times was the entire marketing strategy of 13. They hyped it out like it was going to be the most terrifying thing in the world, the new element would be world class and absolutely one of the most thrilling segments ever, and then we got...
  9. Aaron

    NEMESIS: SUB-TERRA [Alton 2012]

    Re: New Indoor Ride for Alton in 2012 It's a small drop tower, about the height of a frog hopper or maybe a little higher, but the difference is that the drop is a true drop, so even though you don't fall very far, it still does feel as thrilling as a full size drop would right at the top...
  10. Aaron

    200ft Ferris Wheel for Brighton

    The London Eye was originally on a 5 year planning permission, it's now been extended to 30! It depends on if this does well I guess!
  11. Aaron

    Mouse's RCT3 Competition! (Voting now open)

    Mouse's RCT3 Competition! I'll hopefully get mine in tonight... Though I don't think I can compete based on what I've seen above lol! Communicating through the ether... (tapatalk)
  12. Aaron

    Thorpe Park |"The Swarm"| B&M Wing Coaster

    Re: The Swarm - B&M 'Wing-Rider', Thorpe Park 2012 Pokemaniac I looked at the thumbnail version of the picture and thought I could see two little stick figures dancing around... haha Not contributing at all I know, but it IS a comment on that picture, so vaguely relevant?
  13. Aaron

    Mouse's RCT3 Competition! (Voting now open)

    Mouse's RCT3 Competition! About 65% for mine, purely cosmetic to be finished though! Communicating through the ether... (tapatalk)
  14. Aaron

    Is the incredible hulk meant to be loud?

    I love a good B&M roar, I also love listening to the supports (ooh not done that in a while!) If you press your ear up to one it's an amazing sound as the train goes round! :-) Communicating through the ether... (tapatalk)
  15. Aaron

    NEMESIS: SUB-TERRA [Alton 2012]

    New Indoor Ride for Alton in 2012 The height restriction is an interesting point, as far as I'm aware the extremis systems aren't height restricted? Or if they are it's not as high as that? No mention of smoke/strobe effects being used within... :-( Communicating through the ether... (tapatalk)
  16. Aaron

    Thorpe Park |"The Swarm"| B&M Wing Coaster

    Re: The Swarm - B&M 'Wing-Rider', Thorpe Park 2012 Today's update, yup, still nothing of interest... lol! Gotta love the thorpe park construction topics! I've never seen coasters of this type before, so the difference between the loading methods is quite intriguing for me, but then I am a...
  17. Aaron

    Chessington changes for 2012

    Chessington to make drastic impovements for 2012 Retheme to something scary (or spooky - families and all) to fit in with Transylvania? That would be amaze but I doubt it would happen lol Communicating through the ether... (tapatalk)
  18. Aaron

    Mouse's RCT3 Competition! (Voting now open)

    Mouse's RCT3 Competition! I think I shall enter, might give me some incentive to actually finish a project on RCT3! lol I've got the layout down and I'm pretty happy with it so far, just gotta put in all the scenery and stuffs :-) Any tips on how to do a pov recording? Never successfully...
  19. Aaron

    Gold Mine at BPB - still in operation?

    I love it. It's amazing. One of my favourite dark rides in the world (of course by which I mean I love all dark rides haha) Communicating through the ether... (tapatalk)
  20. Aaron

    NEMESIS: SUB-TERRA [Alton 2012]

    New Indoor Ride for Alton in 2012 It might not be real but that is pretty impressive! I hope it actually is something like that... Although if it is and they don't get the monster right it could screw up the whole mythology for both rides which would suck... Communicating through the...