Search results

  1. Mountain Madman

    Coaster Noises in Real Life?

    Not a coaster, but the sound my computer makes when Skype starts up sounds eerily similar to the 'boarding call' for Star Tours. Anyone else think this? Or am I just a nerd? :)
  2. Mountain Madman

    lonely rider

    Happened to me one time on Blue Streak. First thing in the morning, nary a soul around. It was one of my best rides ever, I stayed on for five more circuits. :D
  3. Mountain Madman

    The ^ < V game

    ^Lucky because school starts tomorrow. < School started a week ago. V probably starts school tomorrow, too. ;)
  4. Mountain Madman

    Rate the Sig and Avatar - II

    9/10 for the set. I love it, it's very quirky and usually not something you see. Pretty funny too. :D
  5. Mountain Madman

    The ^ < V game

    ^ is cool for hating the cold. (Har, har) < can't hate cold because he hasn't really experienced cold. :) V has a higher coaster count than me.
  6. Mountain Madman

    Your favorite moment of airtime?

    I love love love Goliath's airtime hill (the one at SFMM). Seconds upon seconds of good, quality floater airtime. Other than that, being the underprivileged Southern Californian I am, I haven't gotten the change to experience really good floater air. Something I'm planning to change in the...
  7. Mountain Madman

    Park Routine?

    I've developed about ten different touring plans for touring Disneyland Resort and update them as need be. I have one for whole day touring, one for park hopper touring, one for each of the parks, a half-day plan, a plan for medium-sized children, a plan for when I go with my girlfriend... If...
  8. Mountain Madman


    I've found that there are several different 'levels' of fanboyism, as you said, and you put it very well. I consider myself a 'fanboy' of the Disneyland Resort but I accept that it has flaws and they need to be addressed. But does that stop me at gasping at orange flags in the ground? Nope...
  9. Mountain Madman


    ^ True. :) Life lesson, right there.
  10. Mountain Madman

    Three Word Story II

    pink printer spewing
  11. Mountain Madman


    I disagree with that. I think it's perfectly okay for a person with a coaster count of 10 to say that an SLC is their favorite coaster, because, well, it is their favorite coaster. Will that opinion change, as you said? Definitely. Is it right to laugh at these 'n00bs' because they haven't...
  12. Mountain Madman

    Correct order of the 3S's

    I don't shave, and I never ****, so I'm screwed as well. Shower only.
  13. Mountain Madman

    2009 Coasterpoll Results

    That's what she said!!! :twisted: *ahem* cool) Just ignore me...I'll be in the pit of shame if you want to find me. :)
  14. Mountain Madman

    The ^ < V game

    ^ is wrong. :wink: < is convinced he is a loser for being a Trekkie. :cry: V can't leave the house because of snow and therefore is a loser. :)
  15. Mountain Madman

    The ^ < V game

    ^ knew perfectly well what he was talking about. ;) < is a Trekkie. V is a closet Trekkie, too. (please???)
  16. Mountain Madman

    Biggest Fanboys/girls for each ride.

    Fixing my typo (oops): Intamin 2nd Generation Drop Towers - CreditCrazy Batman The Ride- Xpress Disneyland - Mountain Madman El Toro - SFGA Rush - Rush Saw: The Ride - Ollie Wipeout - Jools
  17. Mountain Madman

    What do you do to get away?

    I watch Saturday Night Live episodes on Hulu. Never fails to cheer me up again. ;)
  18. Mountain Madman

    Song Stuck In Your Head

    Love you, man.
  19. Mountain Madman

    SFMM Batman re-painted

    ^ True. But you never know... :lol:
  20. Mountain Madman

    Harry Potter @ IOA Updates:

    ^ Don't worry, you're not the only one. ;)