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  1. Mountain Madman

    The 5 most bizarre amusement parks?

    Where the **** is Nara Dreamland???
  2. Mountain Madman

    Coaster Companies Personified

    This gave me a good chuckle. Posting to Facebook. :)
  3. Mountain Madman

    For the baked bean eaters...

    Pardon an uncultured American, but what exactly is a 'jacket potato'?
  4. Mountain Madman

    MLIA or FML?

    If you want some real entertainment, I love reading FailBlog and EngrishFunny. Both are top-class sites, I could easily spend an hour. :D
  5. Mountain Madman

    Would you ride this? (Dodgy looking rides)

    Yep, I would ride that. Whore is me. :)
  6. Mountain Madman

    Amazing offride footage of X2 seat rotations

    I love, love, love, love, LOVE X2's onboard music. In fact, it's shouldered past California Screamin' as my #2 onboard music for any ride (right behind Space Mountain). The best part, IMO, is at the brake run at the very end. It almost feels cinematic! :shock: And it also features a...
  7. Mountain Madman


    Never on a roller coaster, ever. My friends either call me fearless or stupid. :p Drop towers, on the other hand, can make me scream like I've just gazed into the depths of Hell!
  8. Mountain Madman

    Rides You Just Can't Be Bothered With?

    Ever since I threw up after riding a Zipper, I stay far, far away from these. :) Curiously, I'm just fine on X2. Weird...
  9. Mountain Madman

    2009 Coasterpoll Results

    When those 13 people are well-travelled, seasoned coaster enthusiasts, then yes, I believe that that's legitimate enough to form a ranking. When you read a movie review, chances are you give a lot more attention to what Roger Ebert thinks than the review from the Southern Hickster Daily. ;)
  10. Mountain Madman

    2009 Coasterpoll Results

    ^ That's actually pretty disturbing. I know that the two shuttle loop variants (flywheel and weighted) run very differently, I wish there was a way to split those two up.
  11. Mountain Madman

    2009 Coasterpoll Results

    The Southern California Top 10 Steelies: :( 1. Tatsu 2. Xcelerator 3. X2 4. Goliath 5. Riddler's Revenge 6. California Screamin' 7. Space Mountain 8. Silver Bullet 9. Scream! 10. Big Thunder Mountain Railroad *sigh* EDIT: Whoa! Gouderix isn't on the bottom anymore! :wav:
  12. Mountain Madman

    Mini Trip Report: Two Hours at Disneyland

    So yesterday I had a few hours of spare time after finishing all of my homework and studying and whatnot, so I grabbed my Annual Pass, car keys, and made a quick 20-minute dash to Disneyland for the evening. There are some benefits to living in Southern California, believe it or not. Of course...
  13. Mountain Madman

    What Parks do you know like the back of your hand?

    Hmmm... Disneyland Resort Magic Mountain Knotts Berry Farm, although not quite so much. Yep, I'm a destitute Southern California resident. :)
  14. Mountain Madman

    Swingy Spinny thing, seating direction

    Outwards. I loved Gyro Swing at Lotte World but found La Revolucion at Knott's to be a little average.
  15. Mountain Madman

    2009 Coasterpoll Results

    Why is it so absurd to let a ride stuck in the boondocks (i.e. Eagle Fortress) get its fair chance? Why shouldn't it be praised if it deserves that praise? And I've been on Eagle Fortress and Atlantis Adventure...not as part of 'the elite' but by myself on a trip a few years ago. They...
  16. Mountain Madman

    When do you put it in your mouth?

    I read the title of this thread and I got all excited. :(
  17. Mountain Madman

    2009 Coasterpoll Results

    ^ Iron Dragon isn't that bad, actually...apart from its incomprehensible boringness, there's nothing terribly wrong with it. It's just resolutely average.
  18. Mountain Madman

    2009 Coasterpoll Results

    Conclusion: Southern California sucks for coasters. :(
  19. Mountain Madman

    You know you're CF-ing it too much when...

    When you remember bygone stuff like Multicoaster and DragonKhan and feel special about it.