Terminal Velocity, Extreme World, Wisconsin, USA

A 12-year-old girl suffered brain swelling, multiple severe spinal and pelvic fractures and intestinal lacerations after falling about 100 feet to the ground from the SCAD (suspended catch air device) tower. An employee released the girl for the free fall without confirming that the safety net that was supposed to catch her was operational. Source

Miami Trip, York Carnival, UK

A 13-year-old girl fell 10m onto concrete after ride operators failed to properly secure her restraint. She did not suffer any serious injuries.

Cosmonaut, Luna Park, St. Petersburg, Russia

One of the two cables supporting the rocket “captive flying machine” style ride snapped leaving 10 riders dangling in mid-air. Source (with video)

Space Journey, Overseas Chinese Town East, Shenzhen, China

Six people died when one of the ride pods detached itself from the ride.

El Pendulo, Tibidabo, Barcelona, Spain

A 15-year-old girl died and two others were injured when the ride collapsed.